Oh, nasty, hope it get's better ASAP.
I suppose you couldn't have tied a note to the dog's collar and sent him home, Lassie style?
Plus one for the mobile. I know people did manage before them, but it seems like something sensible to have, and with a PAYG, pretty cheap.
Of course, you mustn't come to rely on it - apparently people assume they'll be fine because they have a mobile, and don't bother with maps and waterproofs and stuff, and then can't get a signal up on the hills and have no idea where they are...
Actually, digressing, sorry Michael, I was out the other night in a car with two friends, it was a dreadful night, lashing with rain, and we were driving home from a village 16 miles outside York, and it occured to me, as a passenger, that if we happened upon an accident, a motorcyclist in a ditch or something, I had no idea of the B road number we were on. I might have been able to say we were between village x and village y, heading for the A19, but even then I wasn't paying so much attention and couldn't be sure. Now, on a bike, I'd a) be much more aware of my progress and
be carrying an OS map to check. Not sure what my point is, perhaps it's 'always carry a decent map'.