I'm about to get a b*****king..

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Well the dog is ok.

I'm using crutches again, and one knee is about twice the size of the other. It's not an unusual occurance.... hobble about for a few weeks whilst the muscle wastes away and I get heavier, then back on the bike to try an re-build the leg. Not a lot the orthopods can do as apparently I'm a bit young to be getting the knee replaced.

ho hum.....

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
gavintc said:
Looks like she has worked out the priorities in her life and the dog seems pretty high up. Hope the leg gets better.
Mine too and I come after the Hamster and Goldfish...

Terrible story, as others have said, a mobile would be useful if only for 'emergencies' on such a cold night you might have both perished and then you'd have been in trouble...
Hope you recover soon.
hmmm, a mile in 3 hours. That's too slow, you need to practise more. So out you go and try again.

Seriously, that sounds bad. I'd consider taking a walking pole with me as well as a phone. Then if it does happen again when you are out, you can at least use the pole to hobble back.

Glad the pooch is OK though.


Glad you're OK apart form the knee. As everybody else has said, mobile. I only carry one for that reason. It's usually turned off unless I need to use it.


Nasty! That could have ended up a lot worse!

When I last dislocated my knee, I couldnt walk at all. I was in the middle of a field, camping. I managed to get back to civilisation with the help of a windbreak pole and the missus. The village hospital was only 2-3 miles away. An ambulance would have had to travel for 30 miles to collect me (and would have got stuck in the mud trying to get to us.)

Bring a phone, just in case....

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
An alternative solution is to get the wife to walk the chuffing dog....


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Oh, nasty, hope it get's better ASAP.

I suppose you couldn't have tied a note to the dog's collar and sent him home, Lassie style?

Plus one for the mobile. I know people did manage before them, but it seems like something sensible to have, and with a PAYG, pretty cheap.

Of course, you mustn't come to rely on it - apparently people assume they'll be fine because they have a mobile, and don't bother with maps and waterproofs and stuff, and then can't get a signal up on the hills and have no idea where they are...

Actually, digressing, sorry Michael, I was out the other night in a car with two friends, it was a dreadful night, lashing with rain, and we were driving home from a village 16 miles outside York, and it occured to me, as a passenger, that if we happened upon an accident, a motorcyclist in a ditch or something, I had no idea of the B road number we were on. I might have been able to say we were between village x and village y, heading for the A19, but even then I wasn't paying so much attention and couldn't be sure. Now, on a bike, I'd a) be much more aware of my progress and :rolleyes: be carrying an OS map to check. Not sure what my point is, perhaps it's 'always carry a decent map'.

Happiness Stan

Well-Known Member
MichaelM said:
Not quite, though I do sometimes say there's room here for another dog.

I was out with the dogs this evening. Oldest is 10 and has arthritis (though you wouldn't think it) so we put a coat on him when it's cold.

Wife was due home from work at 20:00. At 19:20 I was out along the golf course a few miles from home, and twisted my knee (again - it's fubar'd, 4 ops to this knee).

So there I am a few miles from home, and about 15/20 min walk from the nearest road - but I couldn't walk.

I took the dog's coat off to sit on (ground covered with snow)and have a think about what I'm going to do (I don't carry a mobile). So I laid on my injured side on top of the coat and started so crawl/slide/drag myself towards the road.

Wife comes home from work, no me, and more importantly no dogs. by 21;00 she's getting worried. She finally set's off with a friend to try and find find me and the dogs somwhere in vicinity of the golf course.

They found me at around 22:30 about 50 yards from the road, I'd been crawling in the snow towards for 3 hours by now.

She's most pissed off that our old boy has been out in the cold (thermometer in car showed -7) for 4 hours or so without his coat on - and it's all my fault !!! If he shows signs of stiffness in the morning then I'm really in for it!

That could have turned out nasty Michael, hypothermia could have set in.

Poor dog. Take a mobile or distress flare next time
Yes definitely take a phone particularly if your knee is dodgy anyway.

Reminds me of a story my auntie told me. She lives in new hampshire, US on the atlantic coast. She was out walking on the beach and the tide was out, so she went quite far out. She bent down to pick up a shell (or something like that) and her hip replacement dislocated. Then the tide started coming in. She couldn't get up off the sand. Eventually a dog came running over (she was in a foot of water at this point), and she flagged down its owner who was nearby, to alert her husband as their house is right next to the beach. Luckily he got the message and called 911 and they came to rescue her...

And the moral of the story is...orthopaedic issues can be life threatening!!!!

oh yes and I also thought you were talking about burger king...and I've got to say that I'm astonished at your wife's reaction.


Legendary Member
Sorry but with a knee that iffy you're bonkers not to carry a mobile. Even if only on a 'just in case' basis. Think how bloody stupid you'd feel to die for the price of a round.


Cycling Excusiast
Oh Michael - just caught this thread - that sounds awful - hope you are doing better now- echo the sentiments of others - get a PAYG mobile. The priorities do seem a little iffy.

Take care.
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