"I'm a distant relative of William The Conqueror"!

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I bet Will the C is turning in his grave at the news.


Legendary Member
There's something of the John Darbyfield in many of us.... Hardy's vain man who craved respectability and wealth so sent his daughter Tess off into the clutches of the seducer Alec Durberville.

My mother thinks we are descended from a secret liaison between Irish hero Robert Emmett and Sarah Curran, daughter of Emmett's nemesis John Philpott Curran. She keeps telling me I ought to research it but I really can't be bothered.
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Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
My sisters mate was a cousin of Gary Numan.
I was only talking to an elderly chap on my mum and dad's old street yesterday. We got on about the old days and who lived here and there and how they've all departed this life now. I mentioned the couple across the road from our house. She was half Japanese and the grand daughter(or was it niece?) of Basil Rathbone of Sherlock Holmes fame.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
You are Adam Ant AICMFP.
stand and deliver.jpg


Legendary Member
Not sure if anyone famous in our ancestry, but a minimal chance of being distantly related to a former (possibly original?) owner of Chitty Bang Bang.

As that’s an utterly utterly hopeless lame-to-fame, my family surname originates from a village two miles from my house.
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