Illness and Training

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Active Member
Thanks so much for all the kind words and advice. I went back to work yesterday allowing a little extra time for the ride in. Although I still don't feel 100% I didn't feel too bad at all on the bike which is great. I'm saving my long ride for the weekend and planning to just do what I feel like and take it steady - hopefully it hasn't set me back too far. I'm trying to stop stressing and all of your comments have helped loads :thanks:

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
I just want tom add agreement to the advice already given. Taking time off wont cost you in real terms but pushing yourself too much can...even mentally prove detrimental.

Take a break, get back to full health, i reckon you'll feel twice the rider when you get back on the saddle.

As Ian says, the ride London route will be a fair bit easier than you will imagine once you are surrounded with the same type of rider.


I read something a while ago about a pro cyclist from way back when, the thinking at the time was loads of miles all of the time.

he said that he got ill and stayed off the bike for a week or so, and when he got back on the bike, he went very well. his comment was that they didn't put two and two together. ie rest is as important as high milage.

you nurses care for others all the time - think a little of yourself and rest up. no one is counting the mileage except you.

best of luck with the ride and keep on enjoying the bike - the rest will come. :thumbsup:


Senior Member
If in doubt...

leave it out.

Get fully better. 1-2 weeks off won't be an issue at all for the type of ride you are doing (well you may be a couple of minutes slower overall *gasp*)

The play it by ear. Don't feel the need to "make up" or "punish" yourself for the lost time. If you find yourself flying again take it. If you feel the need to ease yourself back into it then do that.


Active Member
Much better, thanks for asking :rolleyes:
I did feel a bit tired and pathetic up until the weekend (weirdly getting on the bike to go to work made me feel better!) so I did a "shorter long" ride yesterday which went pretty well. I'm planning a 35-40 miler on Friday so will hopefully be back to normal after that. I definitely think the rest has helped, cheers for all the advice. I've used my time wisely catching up on bike related reading for inspiration:reading:
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