Leg End Member
Not Elland Road!!Defender,and I am on my way to West Brom.
Not Elland Road!!Defender,and I am on my way to West Brom.
Defender,and I am on my way to West Brom.
That leapt out at me too. ( I did complete the test because I'm adventurous, or that's what the result said )Probably says more about me than the test that I'm strongly motivated to dismiss the entire thing as vacuous bollocks, based entirely on the fact that they cannot spell 'extrovert'.
Thank god I’m not alone!Campaigner .....
Advocate, very accurate.
You are just weird .. Advocate is just a code for weirdo .. they’ll be smashing down your door to arrest you about 4 in the morning ... but don’t worry i will inevitably campaign for your release ..."A" or "T"?
I'm also an Advocate, apparently it's one of the rarest types. The description is almost 100% accurate.
It was quite a relief: I thought I was just wierd.
Au contraire, I found myself muttering to myself "no", "no", "that's not me at all", "no", "what horseshit", "no", "no", "nope", "you literally don't understand me at all", "this entire spiel is because of that one answer I gave, isn't it?" and finally "I should probably have remembered that Myers-Briggs-type quizzes are about as informative and useful as astrology, but then I would say that, I'm an INTJ capricorn"You may have muttered to yourself, “wow, this is so accurate it’s a little creepy” or “finally, someone understands me!” You may have even asked “how do they know more about me than the people I’m closest to?”
I'm also an Advocate, apparently it's one of the rarest types. The description is almost 100% accurate.
It was quite a relief: I thought I was just wierd