If you HAD to eat a rhinoceros.....

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Legendary Member
Bluddy 'ell! Have you seen the length of the horn on that beast?


Smutmaster General
LLB said:
My friend does a lot of zoo work treating these animals for various musculo-skeletal problems, and he said to me that they don't have the tough hide of an elephant even if it looks like that (apparently) - pics of some of his animal work below...
Where's his hand, in the chimp pic? ;)


papercorn2000 said:
That last guy has his work cut out - rolling an elephant back onto its feet!

It is all the same person in the pics. They use the animals own body weight and inertia/momentum to effect treatment.

He gave a talk on his work with animals the other week and said, when you work with them, always have at least two escape routes mapped before you go in with them, and if a rhinos tail lifts (or is it drops), peg it FAST ;)


Fnaar said:
Where's his hand, in the chimp pic? ;)

Lower back I expect. He is an Osteopath by trade. These animals get similar problems to humans as they age. The Rhinos were suffering from Osteo arthritis cause by being kept in a cold climate on an unheated concrete floor.

The Many Zoos and wildlife parks have now realised that these animals need a bit of TLC to keep the vet bills down as they get older.


Legendary Member
theclaud said:
I hope this image of carnivorous rhinos roaming the home counties isn't going to give anyone nightmares...

A group of cub scouts once told me that rhinos ate meat, so I asked how they thought it caught whatever the animals they ate.

That was the exercise - pick an animal, and find out what environment it lives in, what it eats, and how it gets its food.

The answer was blindingly obvious [to an 8 year old] - "it kills things with the horn on its nose!!"


Legendary Member
I'll have some knee and elbow pads if there's any spare. And a little bit to make a nice keyring perhaps.
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