Thinking some more, if we assume the headset is banjaxed and will get replaced on return to da 'Sham, I'd go for too tight as a temporary fix.
Anyway, how are you these days?
No banjaxed, merely cheap bike, cheap headset, bedding in, running in, had it two weeks and it needs fettling, type adjustment but LBS mechanic went with broken-English "float is normal" to which my Estuarine response was "not on my bikes, it ain't". Will it come back to da 'sham? It is a very dull, cheap, not-so-nasty, but still slightly nasty singlespeed/fixie and I have better in my garden shed. Purchased because I couldn't bear the idea of Rhubarb the Brommie getting trashed or lost by the airline or nicked from the office/hotel when not in use and the faff of bringing a non-folder out was too much. I continue to resist the temptation to get into a conversation about Pedersens in Christiana Bikes because I know that will result in my plastic getting flexed.
Will I come back to da 'sham? Depends on a lot of factors. My current assignments ends 31/7 but there is talk of a six-month renewal. TLH is happy for me to stay so long as she can come out for school hols and I re-locate for, ahem, business reasons, to Stockholm for a bit once the winter starts. What with Copenhagen being a hipper, if windier, version of Berwick-upon-Tweed with better looking people and lots more bikes we'd both like to spend some more time in sthlm.
I am doing rather well. The work-reward-life balance is way better in this gig than when I was a charity wage-slave, though there is all the joy of cash flow and VAT returning and tedious bluddy paperwork that self-employment brings. Lot less, well. not less stressed exactly, let's say I don't miss the office politics. Cph is a lovely place to cycle in, just as well it is a shocking place to be a mere pedestrian in, sthlm ain't bad either, actually as a place to live/work I prefer sthlm (though I find the Danes more outgoing and easier to get to know than the oh-so-private and buttoned-up Swedes). Both are so small the daily commute almost doesn't count and 2 hours on a plane to/from Gatwick twice a week, whilst it does little for my CO2 footprint, makes for a pretty bearable commute. I have been staying over one weekend a month to explore the two cities - oh, and Malmo; it was shut when I went over "the" bridge - so I don't come back without answers to the "Did you go to .... ?" which has rather blighted the overseas field-trip experience in the past.
How's tricks with yerself?