Identify crank set

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New Member
I'm currently trying to remove the crankset from my bike and simply I can't, I've watched tons of videos on yt and I can't find a tutorial for my crankset. I will attach two pictures and also on the pedal I found what I suppose is the model which is FC-GSP312. I already removed both bolts on the pedal but other than that I'm not sure how to proceed.
Could anyone guide me with how to do it and what tools I need?
Thank you so much!


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Veteran This image should show you a cycle crank remover which when you get one should pull the cranks off with the help of a good adjustable.


Über Member
Be careful it's easy to ruin the alu thread inside the crank.
The left pic shows a burr, indicating damage at the beginning.
Cheaper tools have less precise thread - more play, causing the force to concentrate on 1 or 2 instead of all threads simultaneously, ruining those, and in a succession, the others.


New Member
Hi all, thank you for the replies and the video!
So, I've got the tool and I managed to take the pedals out. Now I want to take the bottom bracket out and give it a good clean. How do o do that and what tools do I need?
Thank you so much!


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Slippery scientist
You'll need a big spanner for the first picture and something large enough to get across the flats on the second picture. The video above covers both. It is worth being ready for loose ball bearings to behave like you've just opened the door at a cattery - they will disappear in all directions and you'll never find them all. If you're lucky, the bearings will be caged (as in the video).

But really, watch the video.


Legendary Member
Whats the end game here? i.e. have you got a new BB and crankset to install? In which case you might not care if Ball bearings cover the floor.

PS wash the bike, its giving me the creeps. ^_^


New Member
Thank you for the info and the video. The crank is wobbly and also it's making worrying noises 😂 so I went to my local shop and suggested to tighten it up and check the bearings because they might need to be replaced. But that was like a month ago and I forgot what they told me about taking the crank off 😂
I know I need to give it a good clean haha, it's a folding bike that I use basically every day to go to work and sometimes it picks up so rain and dirt. I promise I will clean it up soon 🤪🤪


New Member
Right so that was the condition of one of the bearings, looks like there was a reason to all that noise 😂 I only managed to remove the fixed cup but the other one on the first picture I posted the other day is absolutely stuck. Do you think I'll be able to fit new bearings even without removing it?


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Big John

I'd persevere in trying to remove both cups and replace with a sealed bottom bracket if it was me. You'll need another tool but they're not overly expensive. There'll be no adjusting to do. Fit and forget.
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