Thanks for all the info guys, some good stuff in there. It's not that I don't know what to do, that's the easy bit

It's just bloody doing it that's the hard bit!
When I did WW I found that tracking, (food journal), and drinking lots of water really helped. Perhaps I need to go back to doing that? I've no doubt that my portion control is out of control too, so a new battery for the scales is required I think.
I don't drink so that's never been an issue, (sadly or I could just cut it out!). I've always hidden behind the fact I'm a big guy, 6' 5" and built like a brick toilet, and I've always been the joker in the pack as well, but you've heard of the tears of a clown right? I'm not comfortable to state my weight right now, but hopefully I will do eventually.
As for my diet, it really isn't great, let's be honest if it was I wouldn't have started this thread?
I eat too much convenience food, too much junk and I snack WAY too much. I can be OK all day, (as long as there are no birthdays at work

), then when Mrs S is sorting out Miss S at night and I find myself alone downstairs, that's when the cupboard starts whispering my name.
Then again I go through phases at work where all I want to do is eat crap. All the usual fast food junk, pizza, kebabs you name it. I've got myself stuck on a vicious circular treadmill, except I'm not doing enough running on it
FWIW I start EVERY day with the best of intentions, then if I fall off the wagon even slightly I tend to go into a downward spiral and the day ends up being written off!
Distraction is good. Tuesday's tend to be OK as I play badminton so I'm out for a chunk of the evening. I just need to get my head in gear and sort myself out TBH.
So I'm going to stick to everything in moderation, but apply a LOT more moderation to the 'bad' things. I need to try and plan meals as well. That way things aren't left to the last minute. Tonight is a great example. Miss S had a school performance tonight and I've only just got in from watching her at 8.30pm and we have no idea what we're doing for our tea

Normally in this circumstance it would end up being a takeaway of one sort or another, but that is NOT happening tonight as I'm 'in the zone' I might just have a bowl of porridge with a banana and call it a day.
Last thing, I've just collected my new, (to me), turbo trainer today. Now I can't do anything with it tonight, but I'll distract myself tomorrow when I get home from work by setting it up, then I'll be off to badminton, but it will be ready for action for when I come home on Wednesday, which considering I've got a meeting all afternoon that I'm really not looking forward too should be good to relieve the tensions of the day.
Thanks again guys, I do appreciate all your responses