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Legendary Member
I did this this morning before this thread came up. Spooky eh? Hope this means an off isn't in the offing.;)


One thought occurs to me. If I want to put two alternative numbers down as ICE's (home and wife's mobile), should I label them "ICE 1" and "ICE 2" or something?
Several flaws.....

Whose phone is it? Assuming a phone belongs to a casualty is not necessarily correct

How do you get past the PIN that the phone is locked with?

Do the services actually know how to access the phone book on every model of mobile?

A simple idea but flawed - me, I will stick with a metal ID dsic.


New Member
I dont have ICE listed - but I'm sure the "mum" or "dad" options in my mobile arent that hard to find.

anyway - the one time I was at a nasty nasty serious cycling road accident there was no mobile signal in the area anyway.


I get the impression most people's mobiles are so bloody advanced these days and they all have different key sequences to even unlock them and that's before you even think about navigating the address book, that the emergency services wouldn't have time to spend 10 minutes figuring out how to use somebody else's mobile, and just try for 10 seconds and then give up and think 'oh sod it.'
Aint Skeered

Aint Skeered

New Member
Agree abiout the pin numbers etc, but I just have mine on keypad lock which is easy to access
This whole thread came about after someone my wife knows, Father, was involved in an accident the week before last he had an ICE on his mobile, having been hit by a lorry, whilst out training, he was airlifted to London.
The emergency services used the ICE number to contact his wife.
Very sadly he died


back and brave
Lordy, aren't some people good at shooting down ideas! Yes, it has some flaws... so let's not all bother with it then eh?

I've had an ICE number on my mobile for a while now (years?). It MIGHT be of some use. It certainly is no effort or cost to have it there. Every little helps... said the old lady as she widdled into the sea.
There is a difference between pointing out flaws and shooting down ideas.

It is important that these limitations are recognised. If you are unfortunate enough to have an accident and rely on your mobile phone to be your contact point then take these points on board.

For instance - Don't lock your phone, either with a PIN or key lock

Personally I will continue to carry a more robust and reliable system. an ID card and a neck tag.


On my phone I have had ICE for many years - long befoe this system came out!
I have ICE-SharonWife on there - if someone does need to ring, it might make the call easier if they can say 'we've got your husband here' rather than just 'there's a man here with your number listed as ICE'

Plus Sharon-Work, Sharon-Mobile and Home, Dad, Work

And I've also got Me-<my real name> : I can never remember my own mobile number (I never ring it, do I ?), so I've got that in there for when I need to tell someone what my number is, but it also might serve to identify me if I'm ever in an accident or whatever

I'm sure that if someone at the hospital can work-out how to get into Contacts on my phone they can work it out without a First Class honours Rocket Science degree.
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