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mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
not the weather but
In Case of Emergency

you enter numbers on you mobilephone under this title so if you are involved in an accident then emergency services etc have a contact number. I do this and encourage others too, does anyone else?


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
I have an ICE entry on my phone, it says which number to use (i.e. MrsSharky (mb)) rather than just having a number... not sure which is best though. Just a number is quicker, pointing to another entry gives them a name to use.

I'd rather hope that no-one needs to ever use it though!!


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
Yes, assuming your phone is capable of working ... I also have a little wallet thing with my details and emergency numbers.


Living Legend & Old Fart
I have two laminated cards - about credit card size - one on the bike and the other on my person that has name, blood group, 'No known allergies' and three phone numbers (Wife - mobile, wife - landline and mother-in-law landline) in Thai. My mobile can handle Thai fonts as well as English but not both at the same time.


Senior Member
Worcs, UK
The problem with having the same number in ICE and as a normal contact is that on my phone it then only shows the number rather than the name when an incoming call/txt is received as it can't resolve which one to use. I have a number of ICEs with the contact to use as data in each one


Legendary Member
I remember seeing one cyclist who had written his name and blood group in big black letters on a Hi-Viz vest.


Well-Known Member
Origamist said:
I remember seeing one cyclist who had written his name and blood group in big black letters on a Hi-Viz vest.

I wonder if the next urban fashion might be tattoos of this information. I can just see the hipsters going for that.

There are many valid reason why this is not a reliable system. As a backup it is fine, but do not depend on it!

Is the phone undamaged and working
Does it have credit?
Can you unlock it - do you know the unlocking code
Is the phone actually belonging to the person (if not are you contacting the right ICE?)
Can the ICE actually give details of medical conditions etc?
It is not the role of a paramedic to look for these items - tehy will look fo traditional ID and cards / bracelets

So as a backup fine... but do not rely on it.
i have a slip of paper in my wallet (it has a window bit in) with emergency contact details.

i don't like using ICE as it confuses my phone since it gets given two entries with the same number, i presume they'll find mum or dad (preferably dad since mums phone isn't on)

the bit of paper says to ring [not quite] mrs pushing tin if i'm near home but to ring my parents if i'm near their home


Über Member
Pushing tin said:
the bit of paper says to ring [not quite] mrs pushing tin if i'm near home but to ring my parents if i'm near their home

That sounds like a great piece of paper. Has it got it's own built in GPS ;)
redjedi said:
That sounds like a great piece of paper. Has it got it's own built in GPS ;)


nope, just common sense

"incase of emergency contact:

[not quite] Mrs pushing tin if near....

Mum pushing tin if near...."

you get the drift now :ohmy:


God Almighty
abchandler said:
The problem with having the same number in ICE and as a normal contact is that on my phone it then only shows the number rather than the name when an incoming call/txt is received as it can't resolve which one to use. I have a number of ICEs with the contact to use as data in each one

put +44 infront of ICE? :biggrin:
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