Okay folks now the serious bit......
A week or two I replied to a thread about SWMBO's saying that we always discuss "not needed" significant purchases, this lovely frame clearly falls into that category and I would not get past the first sentence (I suffer from sensible wife syndrome) as the Defy2 is barely 3 months, so whilst I could buy it without her realising it I could not bring it home, without difficult questions on where it came from and how I intended to afford the restoration and I would be forced to 'fib' many times over (not a good idea in a relationship) so I am going to VERY reluctantly let this one slip though my fingers...as I had asked the seller some questions about size and weight etc for courier quotes, and he was very prompt at replying, I have contacted him to say thanks but sorry to which he assured it was not a problem.......
Besides if i had bought this I would have had no chance of convincing her that I "need" a Hardtail MTB soon