Not shoplifting, but still theft even though some may say it's on a very low scale. Today while working in the clothing shop I work in a couple came in. The bloke had a big bunch of daffodils sticking out of his carrier bag. He had a whiff of weed (cannabis) about him and looked like a shoplifter, so I kept a beady eye on him. He kept asking silly questions about clothes. So much so that I thought I'd ask him a question to end his silly questions. I asked him in a friendly way why he had a big bunch of daffodils in his bag. He was a bit vague about it at first, but his partner chirped up that he'd picked them in the nearby church grounds, seemingly thinking it was funny. He then said that they are there to be picked and he quote.....pays his taxes so he's entitled to pick them. You have to be careful with these volatile types, so I left it at "well, so do I, but I like flowers left in the ground for others who also pay their tax to see". I was tempted to say something stronger, but it wouldn't have been worth it. How about that eh!! An adult picking flowers out of a church grounds because he thinks he's entitled to do so! Besides, the church grounds aren't council owned. They are private, so the bulbs will have been bought and planted by church volunteers, not by the tax funded local authority.
Theft? Yes, I'd say so!!