I need to pee too often!!!

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Well-Known Member
I should have said that this was in the GU clinic after being referred by my GP after going to see him for the last few weeks. I don't have an infection, as I said all tests came back negative. The first thing my GP asked me was if it was normal flow or just a trickle. My GP tried me on two different types of medication to treat my prostate but they proved not to be efficacious, all I got were the side effects. Dr in the GU thought it may be irritable bladder but because the symptoms are intermittent that he thought it might be my saddle. Anyhow I'm trying out another saddle until my appointment with the urologist comes around.

I never have these problems while I'm on the bike, in fact things improve straight after a ride it is usually a day or so later that has me running back and to to the loo.


Senior Member
I thought old people were supposed to pee a lot.....and pregnant people


Just a few thoughts i am getting up once or twice each night.It's knackering and i feel tired and washed out,so a quick Google and it's a common ailment for over 55's.It's called Noctunia or something like that,and is treatable with pills.
But i can't be bothered going to the Doc's it seems so trivial.


Middle aged bald git.
Nocturia...literally translated night urination. Common indeed. It may be an early sign of prostate enlargement.... or just time to modify your bedtime routine by avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the evening....


Middle aged bald git.
.....if however excessive peeing is accompanied by excessive thirst, it is worth getting a blood test as this is often how diabetes first presents.
Interesting one.

Whilst on tour my husband would spend the morning 'scent marking his way around the world' as he phrased it. It actually got to the point where I was beginning to wonder if he should see someone about the issue - after all exactly how many trees can he water? and what was he going to do when we ran out of trees? The British saying "watering a tree" does not translate well into many other languages... watering a rock (when we did run out of trees) fails completely even in English.
He drinks less than me and pees way more often and always in large quantities. (I simply sweat more.) It was significantly worse for those 12 months on tour. Now he is back to 'normal' only cycling 2 or 3 times a week into work and his number of trips is back to normal as well.

We did actually consider renaming our journal to "scent marking our way around the world" at one point though becuase it had gotten so bad... so the saddle idea may not be that bad a thought.


Just a few thoughts i am getting up once or twice each night.It's knackering and i feel tired and washed out,so a quick Google and it's a common ailment for over 55's.It's called Noctunia or something like that,and is treatable with pills.
But i can't be bothered going to the Doc's it seems so trivial.

Once or twice a night!!! You lucky man... Never less than four a night for me. The worst night i had was seven, thats what prompted me to get it seen to.
I only have a few beers at weekends, i never drink before bedtime, that would be a nightmare for me.
I only ever have one cup of tea when i get in from work, and thats it for fluids for me. Otherwise i'd never get any sleep.
As for caffeine, i knocked that on the head years ago, always drink decaf green tea.


pre-talced and mighty
Muguruki - did you have an ultrasound scan of your bladder to see how much you were retaining?


Well-Known Member
I have suffered for thirty plus years with this problem and been tested many times.

I almost never drink beer in the evening and stop drinking tea which is a diuretic after about 19:00. Rarely drink coffee which would be decaf ever.

If it is new to you as you suggest it is very important to get it checked again. One Docs opinion would not be enough for me.




pre-talced and mighty
I should say that some doctors, even in GU departments, antibiotics that are not always ineffective against UTIs. I was given ciprofloxacin, which is no fun, but, more seriously, no help.


Senior Member
I should say that some doctors, even in GU departments, antibiotics that are not always ineffective against UTIs. I was given ciprofloxacin, which is no fun, but, more seriously, no help.

First time i had that, it made my bottom fall off. I am used to it now, pick it up when my kidneys try to escape.


Internet Marketing bod
I always felt like I needed a whazz while cycling, and bibshorts seem to have sorted it.

I am one of life's pissers though, I like to think of it as a super-hero power that I haven't yet learned how to harness for the power of good. The only thing I've used my considerable flow for is slicing urinal cakes in half.
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