I happen to think he is a complete and utter fruit cake. However, there is no denying he has produced some wonderful music down through the years and I would imagine his live show would be absolutely spectacular and well worth of seeing.
I'm not a fan of the Jackson worship machine either but what he has produced and achieved musically fully deserves recognition. He is a talented and gifted man and I find it slightly sad that this is often forgotten as people salivate over his odd persona. Beethoven hasn't done anything of note recently either but I would argue that his older work is qualification enough.
I'm not a fan of the Jackson worship machine either but what he has produced and achieved musically fully deserves recognition. He is a talented and gifted man and I find it slightly sad that this is often forgotten as people salivate over his odd persona. Beethoven hasn't done anything of note recently either but I would argue that his older work is qualification enough.
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