I knew he reminded me of someone.

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I happen to think he is a complete and utter fruit cake. However, there is no denying he has produced some wonderful music down through the years and I would imagine his live show would be absolutely spectacular and well worth of seeing.

Mr Pig

New Member
tyred said:
I would imagine his live show would be absolutely spectacular and well worth of seeing.

Hard to argue with.


Formerly known as djtheglove
alecstilleyedye said:
hate to differ, but he's done nothing of note musically since thriller imho.

Exactly right ...................but, what he did do with thriller was ground breaking.

Dylan hasn't done anything of note since er, god know's when, BUT he doesn't get vilified for it he get's completley idolised for it.

I'm not a Dylan fan either BTW.

Mr Pig

New Member
djtheglove said:
Exactly right ...but, what he did with thriller was ground breaking.

I'm not a fan of the Jackson worship machine either but what he has produced and achieved musically fully deserves recognition. He is a talented and gifted man and I find it slightly sad that this is often forgotten as people salivate over his odd persona. Beethoven hasn't done anything of note recently either but I would argue that his older work is qualification enough.


Formerly known as djtheglove
Mr Pig said:
I'm not a fan of the Jackson worship machine either but what he has produced and achieved musically fully deserves recognition. He is a talented and gifted man and I find it slightly sad that this is often forgotten as people salivate over his odd persona. Beethoven hasn't done anything of note recently either but I would argue that his older work is qualification enough.

Thankyou Mr Pig, once again I hate to admit it but I do agree.
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