I have invented eyebanana , its a banana in a box with hunger detectors , are you interested?
Love it! You should post it on Kickstarter and see how it goes
I have invented eyebanana , its a banana in a box with hunger detectors , are you interested?
If you were the sort that runs over cyclists and fecks off, wouldn't you just nick the camera?
Or if anyone else was about you could pretend to help and just pocket the camera and then say 'bloody cyclists, came out of nowhere, etc..."
My initial thoughts
Here's what's already on the market from Roadhawk at £149.94.
As with the Rideye, at 720p the ability to record number plates at a reasonable distance isn't there. I'll stick to my Contour HD.
What about addressing the points of:
- it only looks in one direction (in your demo the front) so, unless you're hit from that direction, it won't capture anything.
- it doesn't log any of the data that other 'black boxes' do (e.g. speeds, direction of travel)
- you claim this "[protects] you from hit and runs and false claims". This protects you from nothing - it won't stop either of those happening. At best, it might record something to do with an incident. But it is designed to switch off at impact - and the most important stuff (e.g. the car fleeing the scene or a driver admitting liability) happens after that point.
While that is unfortunate(if true), how does Rideye prevent "fear" within it's user? How can you possibly make such a promise, when you can never know what will happen on the road?"Last year my friend was seriously injured in a hit-and-run accident whilst riding his bike" "I promised him he would never have to ride with that fear again"
Does it remove drivers from vehicles?Rideye makes cycling safer for everyone
It's not the first black box because all it is,is a box that is black.(GPS?) and it's certainly not the first camera. The ability to save important segments of video has been around for years, and without the premise of making cycling safer.It's the first black box camera for your bike
If the lens happens to be pointing at it. Thus not every detail can be captured depending on the incident/accident/crashUltrawide optical element to capture every detail
You say it makes cycling safer, but the product has to detect a crash before anything happens. Then it's failed to meet your claims right?Detect a crash and save for future review