You don't really expect anyone to answer that question do you?
Not at all..... the original suggestion was indefensible, I do not expect anyone to try and do so, it is simply common sense to point out how ludicrous it was.
You don't really expect anyone to answer that question do you?
I know there are lots of threads on "to wear or not to wear", that being the question, so this post is intended to start a squabble! (although it may anyway!)![]()
I was watching one of those real-life A&E drama-emergency-car-crash-TV programs the other night and a cyclist was brought in all smashed up because some idiot cager had driven into him.
The windscreen was bullseyed and the guy's head was in a sorry state. The chap wasn't wearing a helmet and the surgeon said that if he had been wearing a helmet then his head injuries would have been far less extensive - the bullseye was his head hitting the windscreen. I know it's the car driver's fault, but it was the cyclist who ended up paying the price.
Normally, I don't wear a helmet but today I've dug it out from the bottom of my equipment box to wear on my commute this afternoon!
I know there are lots of threads on "to wear or not to wear", that being the question, so this post is intended to start a squabble! (although it may anyway!)![]()
I was watching one of those real-life A&E drama-emergency-car-crash-TV programs the other night and a cyclist was brought in all smashed up because some idiot cager had driven into him.
The windscreen was bullseyed and the guy's head was in a sorry state. The chap wasn't wearing a helmet and the surgeon said that if he had been wearing a helmet then his head injuries would have been far less extensive - the bullseye was his head hitting the windscreen. I know it's the car driver's fault, but it was the cyclist who ended up paying the price.
Normally, I don't wear a helmet but today I've dug it out from the bottom of my equipment box to wear on my commute this afternoon!
If it was a Jeep Cherokee with a EuroNCAP rating of no stars for pedestrian safety, then the injuries have been exacerbated by the choice of the driver to do so.
It it was a 2011 Ford Focus with a five star rating then the injuries would have been less.
Except that NCAP is based on pedestrians, not cyclists. The dynamics of a cyclist being hit are quite different and are not tested at all.
The same "theory" applies. One vehicle is less safe than the other due to design features.... and the decision of the driver to drive a vehicle that will inflict greater injury still exists.
There is also the ethos of the companies those that design safer vehicles tend to account fr the safety of pedestrians AND cyclists, so a safer vehicle will be safer for both groups.
Finally if the EuroNCAP figures are accurate, then there is a 30% reduction in the number of fatalities between a no star and 5 star pedestrian safety vehicle. Ban unsafe vehicles and reduce the number of deaths by 30%?
On a ride out, the only one in our group that had a helmet on missed a turning admiring the view and road straight into the river. We're on the look out for a combined helmet/flotation device if any one knows of one? You can't be too careful.![]()
its all due to balance for me. Risk and likelyhood. So i wear one
All the time of course as the risks and likelihood are far greater off the bike than on.
Opinion or fact? And if it is fact then please post the statistics to prove it.