I have joined a self defense class...

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Legendary Member
I hope things get better for you soon Tinks,get stuck in,you will be throwing them further every lesson.


Tinkstheminks said:
Called Commando Krav Maga...
It's a close combat system of the Israeli special forces (e.g. Sayeret, Yamam etc). There are other Krav Maga systems that are only taught to civillians and are no longer in use by the IDF (Israeli Defence Force) but I thought I would start to deal with my anger and un-spent aggression as well as get fit! The system is easy and quick to learn and is based on natural and simple movements that can be remembered - these are 'triggered' by the bodies natural reactions/responses, to attacks and threats, which means they work well under stress...apparently!!

It took a week to be able to walk up the stairs after learning how to defend myself against a knife attack last week.... but last night I 'bit the bullet' was practicing dodging a punch then putting the attaker down!! Of course this meant I too was being 'put down'...ouch!!!

I do enjoy it once I get over the first feeling of wanting to run out of the room and cry! xx(

... and there'll be other systems that they only teach to non-civilians!
When the israelis invent a new special defence technique, they probably try and teach as many people last year's system as possible so any israeli special forces blokes on the street can attack someone knowing exactly what they'll try and do to defend. You'll probably be ok as long as there aren't any israelis around.


New Member
bonj said:
... and there'll be other systems that they only teach to non-civilians!
When the israelis invent a new special defence technique, they probably try and teach as many people last year's system as possible so any israeli special forces blokes on the street can attack someone knowing exactly what they'll try and do to defend. You'll probably be ok as long as there aren't any israelis around.
The guy who set up these classes and is the chief instructor Moni Aizik - apparently he goes back to Isreal to coach and advise the training corp in the Special Forces there... I was right impressed when I saw my instructor on the video of this years instructors course held here in England with Moni trianing them himself.... xx(
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