I have a weird cheque/payment from NHS.....Can anyone offer advice please??

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An Peanut
I would call the number, under no circumstances would I cash the cheque until it has been confirmed it is mine. That is mainly because I am honest, but also the NHS needs all the money it can get.


Legendary Member
I didn't think that medical trials could pay cash money, and that's why ONS Covid swabbing is vouchers.
Full trial participation is paid in cash (can be many 000s). Doing a swab essentially for data collection is completely different to committing to a clinical trial with ongoing monitoring etc


In this day and age, no-one can be on a trial without knowing it. And on those very rare occasions that it happens, the punishments for the Dr or nurse who enrols you secretly or without your informed consent are quite severe.
Not like the good old days. By chance I watched an episode of Pain, Pus and Poison: The Search for Modern Medicines last night, in which they described Edward Jenner's invention of vaccination, achieved by smearing cowpox-infested pus into an incision made in the arm of an eight year old local boy, followed a while after by the same with smallpox. :eek: "You'll feel a slight scratch..."

PS today's fascinating fact: the word vaccination (a Jenner coinage) references the cowpox - 'vacca' being the Latin word for cow.


It sounds like a mistake or a scam - presumably you didn't have a jab on that precise date in May? Get in touch so they can send the money to the right person.


Legendary Member
...but also the NHS needs all the money it can get.
The nurses would all be driving Bentley's if the NHS didn't spend so much money on tier after tier of non productive middle management. People managing people managing people managing people with no seeming end, logic or reason in sight.

They waste a lot more than your 150 sovs with their ridiculous management steucture. Mrs D lasted about 4 months working there before the insanity of the situation became too much and she walked.


As per title, I got a cheque in the post....£150.00.
The payment form details simply says "Valneva Study Visit 14/05/21.
When I googled this it seems to say it is for taking part in "experimental Covid tests".

As mentioned, the Valneva study was a research project studying the efficiency of the Valneva vaccine. You can't accidentally take part in a clinical trial without knowing it.

What I suspect has happened is that someone with your name (and possibly even date of birth if you have a commonish name) has signed up for it and when the record has been looked up on the National Spine (PDS) they have linked the study to your record and not the other Dave7. Hence you got the cheque.

There should be a cover letter or note with the cheque. I would contact the department that sent it and let them know they have the wrong Dave7, particularly as this trial may get associated with your medical record and create confusion for you in the future (and for the other Dave7).


Grimpeur des terrains plats
If its a cock up., it's also a data protection cock up somewhere and complaint should be registered for both you and possibly another party who's records are incorrect
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