Well, a little story, sorry if its a bit long winded.
Got an unexpected text informing me I have an appointment today (Monday) at 3pm. I'm currently under the docs and have an appointment with them tomorrow.....eh.
Contacted the text sender, its the hospital and the consultant wants to see me. Ok, that's more important, off I go. Got there with the wife and there's
four medics in the office and a
really nasty looking xray on the screen

The wife didn't look happy, quite concerned. thankfully that was someone elses

So after explaining my symptoms and history which include..
A really bad cough for 2 months.
Extreme excruciating pain inside the ribs.
Night sweats for a while, i'd wake up absolutely
drenched in sweat...really awful.
For maybe 1 month I felt extremely tired and lethargic, the tiredness was overpowering occasionally.
And now, 4 months later, I can't fill my lungs properly and feel that area inside my ribcage, not painful, but its there.
Ultrasound scans and examination followed..
Doc explains...
had pneumonia...nightsweats and lethargy are classic symptoms. That sat there, probably at a low level because you were fit and able to carry it. The excruciating pain is where pleuritis has developed as a result. That's sat there untreated and now you have a thickening of the pleuritic wall (my interpretation), that's pressing on the lung, restricting their ability to expand. You also have fluid in the bottom of the lung and thin cavities filled with fluid at various points further up the lung cavity. You also have 'debris' in the cavity.
So, i'm going to express some of the fluid, send you for a CT scan, then perhaps express more effectively...or perhaps you will need some surgical intervention to repair the pleuritic wall. That may be necessary because if its too thickened, it will permanently impair the lungs ability to expand.
I explained, I feel better... but not right...I can only excercise for one hour...not the usual two or three (but the truth is, finding the mojo to do that hour is hard at the moment).

Last week I thought I was slowly slowly recovering (and I am)..I feel 80%, working is fine, exercise is ok although climbing stairs leaves me a bit breathless...today I find out i've had pneumonia and have pleuritis and may need surgery. Surprisingly, the needle into the chest cavity to express the fluid wasn't too bad.
What a day, glad I finally set the process going (eventually)..even though its given me unwelcome news.