I Guess that's why you don't see fat posties

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In our rural area, all the posties appear fit as fleas. Whilst they do use vans, they are in and out of them, often jogging to the door (and it is somewhat lumpy around here nestled between the coast and Exmoor).

Then, when I'm riding into work over in Taunton, I ride right past the main sorting office, and most of the posties going in at 7.30ish are either cycling in (chatted to a few as we've cycled along) or walking there. Don't see many overweight got to say.
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
I don’t see many that would be able chase a criminal.

The crims have bugger all fitness though. Won‘t take much to wear them out.


Über Member
Postman here.I used to train as a youngster to be a postman,but in our day we called it trick or treat.we would knock on a door then run away,very similar to postman today.

Again ,a former postman, I reckoned over a week i'd cover about 250 miles , what with cycling to work and home ,going out to my round ,deliveries and back to the office, a mix of walking and cycling.
We had to average 4mph , which considering we had to carry a bag of no more than 36 ibs, plus an extra bag o the bike, we developed a fair bit of fitness.
Then I 'd go out cycling on Sunday by the time I was home that could be another 120 miles, ......shorter some days.

Whilst I wasn't slim build, I certainly got about! , did that for near enough 20 years.....
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