Another update since this thread is proving so popular
The routine has been slimmed down to three sets of the following:
- Static support; 45 seconds (up from 30 a while ago); usually struggle on the last set
- Ring rows from near-horizontal; as many as I can do to failure which is typically 6-8 per set
- Dead hang knee-raises; 10 off with the last set incorporating alternate lifts to the left and right to target the obliques with reps to failure
This is topped off by a dead-hang for as long as possible then a couple of seated stretches to target the glutes and quads.
I also do the odd random chin-up if I find myself in an appropriate environment; be that one then as slow-an-eccentric as I can, or as many reps as I can (usually a whole two, currently).
I've also bought some gym chalk as my grip has noticeably been limiting some work like the dead-hangs when it's been raining / I'm sweating.
I can't say as I've noticed any obvious strength gains however I've gone from two sessions on Mon & Wed knackering me to Mon, Wed, Fri and this week have had some time on the rings pretty much every day without it destroying me.. I'm definitely feeling it more in my abs, glutes, inner thighs and possibly hip flexors - most likely due to the knee-raises but I also think that low cadence stuff on the Brompton is punishing these areas too.
Range of motion with the knee-raises is still limited although I think I can get my quads just beyond horizontal now, which is progress.
There remains more muscle definition in my upper body however progress is slow so hard to gauge, I'm certainly not what you'd objectively describe as muscular and there's still a lot of excess fat.
As I hopefully continue to improve I'd like to incorporate more chin-ups and eventually proper pull-ups once I've reached the ability to actually do one - will probably follow the route I have with the chin-ups; i.e. start with negs and look to work up to full reps. I'd also like to look at single-arm ring rows (although these are sodding difficult) as I think I have a growing asymmetry issue, while I'd also like to get onto some dips - something else I've found very difficult so far.
Progress is slow but tangible and it feels good to be doing something positive