BTW - and trust a female to notice this.
Did you do the housework last weekend. Surely you have not made a big mess since then. I would suggest, tidy the kitchen and quick spray of the worktops and hobs, Have a cup of tea.
Quick clean up of bathroom sink, and splosh some cleany/smelly type stuff down the loo. (Do not bother cleaning the bath if your shoulder aches). Have another cup of tea, and a biscuit.
Decide on which takeaway you would like this evening. Have a bath.
Order or collect said takeaway. Do your shopping very early tomorrow if you get up early. Take the rest of the day off.
When I was unwell, which has sometimes been for months at a time, the housework was not done at all for months. I have this theory that in the first week, you think it has got muddley/dirty, but in the second week, the dirtiness does not increase. The increase in dirtiness in subsequent weeks decreases accordingly. Some witty person who is good at sums and equations (not me cos I failed 'A' level maths, I did get 'O' level maths and something called Additional maths) will be able to quote the correct quadratic equation regarding house work. Enough waffle from me now, with maple syrup