I can only imagine why this never caught on!

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Legendary Member
Edit: It seems that in the world of track cycle racing, where multi-rider pacing bikes were once common the accepted terminology was tandem, triple, quad and quint for 2,3,4 and 5 rider bikes.



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Leafy Surrey
I didn't pass up the opportunity to try one in the Forest of Dean some 20 or more years ago. Wobbly to find your balance when moving off; not so bad once moving, although I imagine road speeds would have been terrifying.
Was worst as the passenger; not so bad when steering, but the novelty firmly wore off within about 30 yards!

God knows if they ever actually hired the thing out. I assume it was just for fun; they had a reverse-steering bike too.


Über Member
There was one at the Mildenhall rally many years ago (20 +) - it seemed to ride ok, and had a catchy name (I can't remember it though :laugh: ) I must have a photo somewhere, but it would take some searching.


Tandem is/was a way of harnessing two horses to a cart/carriage with one horse in front of the other, in contrast to the more normal side by side arrangement. Therefore a tandem bicycle is one with two riders where the riders are in front of one another.
The word 'tandem' is Latin for 'at length' so as you say it has to be one in front of the other. Side-by-side cannot be a tandem.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
This bit of pedantry intrigued me. So I did a bit of a search.

Edit: It seems that in the world of track cycle racing, where multi-rider pacing bikes were once common the accepted terminology was tandem, triple, quad and quint for 2,3,4 and 5 rider bikes.

They are all tandems. Eg. Triplet is short for tandem triplet, etc.


Cynical idealist
Still around in the disability field although they are quadracycles. It is an excellent way to get those out on a bike who otherwise would be unable to enjoy cycling.
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