Jonathan M said:Indeed they are, but itchy, gritty eyes as peanut describes are certainly a recognised symptom of hypothyroidism, whereas I'm unaware of this sensation occuring due to hyperglycaemia.
While Peanut certainly does describe symptoms that could be attributed to undiagnosed diabetes, they can also be signs of uncontrolled hypothyroidism, and as Peanut has a supply problem with thyroxine, then that certainly needs addressing first & foremost. The four textbook signs & symptoms of diabetes are thirst, excessive urine production, weight loss, lethargy. It's extremely easy to rule out, a fasting glucose would do the job, if this isn't conclusive then maybe an OGTT, but Peanut needs to find a way of encouraging his GP to meet his current needs.
I don't doubt what you are saying for a moment Re the Thyroid problem, and agree with the above 100% as I've suffered all of these prior to being treated for my own diabetes.
The thread was titled Hypoglycaemia, and I offered my take on the symptoms.
I am happy to bow to your greater wisdom

The important thing is that he gets this problem turned around so he can get his life back on track