Hybrid or standard racing road bike

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New Member
I am looking to commute to work 2 or 3 times a week with a distance of 9 miles each way.

I already have a carrera valour road bike , but finding the pot holes a major head ache as the frame seems to jolt when i hit these. I also suffer regular punctures.

I travel along a very busy 50 mph country road, most cars are at 60 plus then the last 2 miles is a very poor road with a steep hill down that I have to stop at the bottom off to join another road, so have another steep climb from a dead start.

I am considering getting a Hybrid for the commute and taking the racing bike to my kids house so I can take them out on their bikes when I see them at weekends etc. They live over 10 miles away so not really practicle to cycle there first, I just aint that fit yet.

I have between £200 - £300 to get a new or SH bike if I can find a good one. Is there any benefit to suspension, given the very poor state of roads and having to tuck into the road side.

I bought the Carrera from ebay last year for £100 and have done about 200 miles on it. So its still in good nick, and I will use it for now.

What do you guys think I should do.

I am 5 7 and 14 stone.


Last of the Summer Winos
Suspension is only going to make the ride more difficult. Pretty much anything is going to judder if you're riding through some of the craters that make up what's laughably called a road in the UK.

I'd be tempted to try sticking some wider tyres on the road bike first. If you're currently running 23mm tyres try and see if a 25 or 28 will fit (depends on brake clearance). Go with something like a schwalbe marathon plus or armadillo, and make sure you pump them up to a decent pressure (100psi +) that should make the ride comfier, and cut down on the punctures.

Oh, and try not to ride in the gutter, difficult I know when artics are thundering past you at 60+ but you should still try and leave yourself a little bit of wriggle room on the left.

Ivan Ardon

Well-Known Member
Possibly, you may be better off getting larger tyres for your Carrera if you have clearance for them. Moving up to 28mm will make a big difference to comfort and the amount of punctures you pick up, although it will slow you down marginally.

A suspended hybrid will be slower again, although more comfortable. I find front suspension not too intrusive if it's whacked up tight, but rear sus (or even a suspension seatpost) I can't get on with.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
At the budget you are talking about avoid suspension. Changing the tyres on the bike you have got would definitely help, either Schwable Marathons or Conti Gatorskins, if you rims will take a 28mm that will also help, but check with your LBS. Get a track pump and keep them well inflated, each tyre is different so check the manufactures recommendation, but as a rule of thumb a 28mm tyre should be between 90-100 psi (6.2-6.9 bar).


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
alecstilleyedye said:
a carbon front fork might help, especially if you've currently got the aluminium one that the carrera range had a few years ago…

I have been thinking of up grading my bike to a carbon front fork to get a more comfortable ride, but then I am just getting soft...
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