humanist funerals

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New Member
rich p said:
My dear old Dad has passed away and as he wasn't remotely religious we thought we might arrange a humanist funeral. Does anyone know if this is a good idea or would it be better to go down a diffrent route. I'm waiting to hear from the humanist bloke to find out what is entailed but meanwhile any experiences would be appreciated.

If your dad expressed no desire for a humanist funeral I'd go down the conventional route. Did he marry in a church? Did he have his children christened? Did he have a religious funeral for his parents and were they particularly religious? Unless there is any evidence that your dad was just the same as most people these days when it comes to religion why choose the unusual route of a humanist funeral on his behalf?


New Member
Yarm, Cleveland
My condolences too Rich. I lost my stepfather about 13yr ago and we had the full religious monty.
Whilst it was a nice funeral and all i did feel a little lost in it all. There were things i would have liked to have said at the funeral but the chance was lost and i still feel as though i have'nt said goodbye properly.

I think the Humanist funeral sounds like a wonderful thing and gives a far better outlet for family and friends to mourn/celebrate the passing of a close family member.

Good luck, i hope all goes well.


Condolences from me too Rich...

My thoughts ? I'm not even remotely religious, but there's something about a religious service thats...reassuring and comforting perhaps.
I often think...even though i'm a complete non believer...there's something deep inside us that WANTS to believe.

Sorry, nothing constructive...just my thoughts.
Condolences from me too.

I've only been to one humanist funeral: It cut me up far more deeply than a religous one because the stories and anecdotes were personal and told by friends and family. It was also more satisfying, more a celebration of life as well as a release for the grief.

As he knew he was going he'd planned the whole thing including the music. We carried his coffin in to the strain of the Love Cats.....I'll never dance to it again but it will always bring a wry smile to my face now. He knew that.

Humanist funerals are good.
My deepest sympathies, rich p.

I haven't attended a humanist funeral, but I have discussed this with my brother and sisiter regarding our parents, neither of whom are religious, but are just old-fashioned, good people, like most of their generation were.
I'm sure it will be very tasteful and respectful occasion.
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