It wasn't the complicatedness VamP, it was the slightly scornful tone, which might be justified sometimes but surely not so soon for a new forum member?
Women are in the minority on CC and I for one would like to see more of us here, and in cycling in general, so I think it's a double shame when a woman newbie gets put off (and as far as I know none of the ones who might have deterred her were women in this case). The 'learning to use the internet' bit is a bit patronising.
I think looking at people here as 'members' is misleading. It's just an internet chatroom. We're all disconnected individuals, with an interest in common. Maybe I am jaded, but surely anyone who has used the internet for any length of time will have developed a filter for the useful/useless/obnoxious? And if they haven't they should.
Women are in a minority in cycling in general. I am all for supporting their involvement in the sport, and in fact I am involved in grassroots women's and juniors racing and training at club level. I do think that expecting an internet forum to re-dress the balance is a bit ambitious TBH.
I have noticed a tendency for people on the 'training' section of this forum to try to put down anyone who goes beyond the superficial in discussions. I may have gone in the wrong direction in having a pop at you, as that does not seem to be your agenda. You have my apologies.