HRM & Revy Heart

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It wasn't the complicatedness VamP, it was the slightly scornful tone, which might be justified sometimes but surely not so soon for a new forum member?

Women are in the minority on CC and I for one would like to see more of us here, and in cycling in general, so I think it's a double shame when a woman newbie gets put off (and as far as I know none of the ones who might have deterred her were women in this case). The 'learning to use the internet' bit is a bit patronising.

I think looking at people here as 'members' is misleading. It's just an internet chatroom. We're all disconnected individuals, with an interest in common. Maybe I am jaded, but surely anyone who has used the internet for any length of time will have developed a filter for the useful/useless/obnoxious? And if they haven't they should.

Women are in a minority in cycling in general. I am all for supporting their involvement in the sport, and in fact I am involved in grassroots women's and juniors racing and training at club level. I do think that expecting an internet forum to re-dress the balance is a bit ambitious TBH.

I have noticed a tendency for people on the 'training' section of this forum to try to put down anyone who goes beyond the superficial in discussions. I may have gone in the wrong direction in having a pop at you, as that does not seem to be your agenda. You have my apologies.


2900983 said:
"Cycle Chat, a fun and friendly online cycling community"

You must be a marketing man's dream.


I could. But it would be a wasted effort. Maybe you can make a case for it being 'online' and 'cycling', but all the other words in that tagline are just words without substance.
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It's a matter of personal perception, obviously. To you it's just an anonymous chatroom. To me, and the very many other people on here who have become friends of mine in real life, it's a community. One that uses the internet as a fantastic and effective means of communication. So when someone new tries to join in and people are needlessly rude to them it feels different to me than it does to you.

I prefer my version :smile:.

I have met and become friends with people from a all sorts of on-line forum's. I think that's a factor of sharing a passion, not in some way an indication of the suitability of internet as a medium to replace real-life communities or clubs.

You don't see BikeRadar, TimeTrialling Forum, Weight Weenies, UKCyclocross, or the many many club or league forums putting themselves forward as being 'a friendly community', yet they are often as, if not a lot more inclusive as Cyclechat is, and importantly a lot more likely to have a real-life interface (well maybe not BR). It might feel like a community to you and Adrian, but I suspect that you are very much in a minority in this. Albeit a vocal one.

I personally consider rudeness deplorable in any setting, but there's just as much of it here as in any other internet setting, and a lot more than there is in most real-life settings.


Man or Moose!
Thing with a forum like TTF and I imagine your CX forum, we bump into the members week in week out when racing each weekend and due to the specific nature of the forum, the common interest is narrow.


Thing with a forum like TTF and I imagine your CX forum, we bump into the members week in week out when racing each weekend and due to the specific nature of the forum, the common interest is narrow.

Well here's a straw poll. Do you feel like a part of the CC 'community'?


Man or Moose!
Well here's a straw poll. Do you feel like a part of the CC 'community'?

Yes and no :tongue: I am fully aware I am a bit of an odd one out with regards to my current cycling interests and approach, but I've been a member on here since I bought a bike so have a fondness for the forum :biggrin:


One of the problems I have as an ex racing cyclist and what I would call a sporting cyclist, my replies will be different for some subjects that that of somebody who uses their bike purely for commuting or suchlike.

I think of the other forums mentioned the people are far more like minded.

As for this forum being friendly, well I am not sure there seems a bit of gang culture operating behind the scenes, and one or two members have disappeared or have they been mysteriously erased by the CC mafia. Only kidding apart from the many members listed below it is a fair place.
@jsstbs - on the off chance you ever come back, I may be some help. I'm no expert, but a dabbler - like you.

I've been there: you are exercising, and you buy a gadget to help you focus, train harder, make it more interesting. I did the same thing (still do, obsessively tracking all my rides with 3 different phone apps!)

Anyway, the simplest way to test if your hrm is working correctly is to place you fingers on your neck to find your pulse, and count the beats for 6 seconds. If the HRM is saying 180 and you count roughly 18, then it's working. If you get a different number, then it's time to investigate further.

I wore a HRM during an inline skating event (a looooong time ago) and had a similar experience. My heart stayed above 190 the entire time. That HRM was subject to interference from power lines, but when I did the 6-second thing, I found it was right, so like you, my maximum HR was much higher than shown. I used a simple test to see if I was in the aerobic zone (do they still call it that? anyway, the HR where you are working but can go all day): you should be able to carry on a normal-ish conversation, but not have enough breath to sing.

But if you are serious, start wearing the HRM in bed to find your resting HR first thing in the morning, and do a some hills to get your actual MHR and then you can start working out your real zones from there

david k

North West
Thanks for the comment and just to say you're spot on! I've bitten the bullet and come back on here for the first time again in about two week, but some of the earlier comments have put me off. I came onto the fourm to ask for peoples advice and experience. I didn't expect (least of all want) to be told that my ride (and my health) is not "worthy"of being monitored. This is one of my first experiences on a forum, and it's certainly not the friendly attitude I had expected from fellow cyclists. I will be thinking again before I post on here!
To end on a more positive note, thanks to all the guys who've given me some hints & tips. Some I've already tried (without success so far :sad: ) and some I'll be trying soon (or at least when the weathers warmer!).
Signing off now

Dont be put off, just ignore the replies your not comfortable with and engage with the ones you are (if possible)
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