Just bought a Garmin with a heart rate monitor. All seems to be working well with it but I appear to have some physiological "quirks".
My resting heart rate seems accurate at 55ish and my max heart rate (or the highest that I've got it to) is 193bpm (expected to be 220-30=190). In between, though, my heart seems to be (what my husband has described as) "quite revy".
As soon as I set off on a ride, the heart rate climbs quickly. At the speed I would usually do a reasonable (reasonable for me) ride of 10/20/30 miles I'm at 170bpm. Its quite comfortable for me, and although I'm slightly out of breathe I can easily hold conversation. At the effort I would put in to do a reasonable hill (Honister, Hardknott, etc), I'm doing about 180bpm. Both of these levels of effort I could keep up for an appropriate ride (i.e. the whole ride or the whole hill). And yet according to the conventional "heart rate zones", both of these are 90% of my max heart rate so I should be exercising anaerobically which is unsustainable for long periods - but I know I can keep up both paces!
Just wondered if anyone else has experienced these quirks or might have any ideas about whats going on?
My thoughts are that:
- maybe I have a very high max heart rate but just haven't pushed myself there, so I'm not really working at 90%
- when I peaked at 193bpm what stopped me was not my legs (where I should be feeling the lactic acid building up) but a feeling of lack of air coming into my lungs - so my lungs are stopping me somehow (I know my lung size/performance is my a weak point)
- I've just got a weird body and the usual heart rate zones don't apply, and I should configure the top zones to be much closer together (i.e. put Zone 5 to 185bpm where things start hurting not the 174bpm that the formulas say, 193 x 90% = 174)
This doesn't cause me any particular medical concerns - I must have been like this for 30 years before getting the heart rate monitor and I'm still alive! Its just annoying that having bought a heart rate monitor for training, it doesn't seem to work for me!
Although I've had two weeks off for Xmas, I've been back cycling now for one/two weeks. I cycle 5 days a week to & from work, totaling about 40 miles per week. The monitor and standard zones seem to work well for my husband.
My resting heart rate seems accurate at 55ish and my max heart rate (or the highest that I've got it to) is 193bpm (expected to be 220-30=190). In between, though, my heart seems to be (what my husband has described as) "quite revy".
As soon as I set off on a ride, the heart rate climbs quickly. At the speed I would usually do a reasonable (reasonable for me) ride of 10/20/30 miles I'm at 170bpm. Its quite comfortable for me, and although I'm slightly out of breathe I can easily hold conversation. At the effort I would put in to do a reasonable hill (Honister, Hardknott, etc), I'm doing about 180bpm. Both of these levels of effort I could keep up for an appropriate ride (i.e. the whole ride or the whole hill). And yet according to the conventional "heart rate zones", both of these are 90% of my max heart rate so I should be exercising anaerobically which is unsustainable for long periods - but I know I can keep up both paces!
Just wondered if anyone else has experienced these quirks or might have any ideas about whats going on?
My thoughts are that:
- maybe I have a very high max heart rate but just haven't pushed myself there, so I'm not really working at 90%
- when I peaked at 193bpm what stopped me was not my legs (where I should be feeling the lactic acid building up) but a feeling of lack of air coming into my lungs - so my lungs are stopping me somehow (I know my lung size/performance is my a weak point)
- I've just got a weird body and the usual heart rate zones don't apply, and I should configure the top zones to be much closer together (i.e. put Zone 5 to 185bpm where things start hurting not the 174bpm that the formulas say, 193 x 90% = 174)
This doesn't cause me any particular medical concerns - I must have been like this for 30 years before getting the heart rate monitor and I'm still alive! Its just annoying that having bought a heart rate monitor for training, it doesn't seem to work for me!
Although I've had two weeks off for Xmas, I've been back cycling now for one/two weeks. I cycle 5 days a week to & from work, totaling about 40 miles per week. The monitor and standard zones seem to work well for my husband.