How to stop my saddle being stolen

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Legendary Member
Have a quick release seatpost and take it with you.


Use a security bolt instead of an Allen bolt so they'd need a different key ?
Loop a cable through it ?
Make it less attractive to a thief - scribble on it ?
Put a plastic bag over the top like little old ladies seem to.

Would a professional thief have a collection of keys that would open any security bolt ?
Would a professional thief have a collection of keys that would open any security bolt ?

Is there a bicycle equivalent of Raffles the Gentleman Thief who specialises in bike saddles?

It'll stop most people I guess but if you want to be sure get a Brompton and take it into work with you.


Legendary Member
Given OP can't take it with them, simple cable through the rails and frame triangle (under top tube) will deter and deflect to another bike's saddle. Why would you need to secure your seatpost (if saddle secured as above)?

The one I remember had a small chain wrapped tightly around the rails in a figure of 8. It was using the top of the seatpost as an anchor point.

But, you’re right if the cable was wrapped around the top tube, that would cover all bases.
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On my commute to work in London in the last couple of weeks i cycle part of my commute then lock my bike up alongside other bikes and then take an underground train to my work place . I have noticed that some bikes outside the station have no saddles on them which i guess have being stolen and some have been removed by their owners . I know it would take only a few flicks of a Allen key and a few seconds for a thief to steal my saddle

My question is what is the best way to stop my saddle being stolen ? i cannot take it to work with me

They might not be stolen but the owner has took their saddle with them (use a QR seatpost clamp). If you cant do that (take the seat post with you) the best way to secure it is with a security bolt (something like this , other brands are available). Some folk also use a small cable/ cafe lock to lock the rails to the frame. A determined thief would cut through that in seconds though!


What's the value of the saddle and seat post? You don't want to spend more on any anti-theft devices, than the value of the saddle itself, especially as it has never been nicked yet.

Best insurance is to buy a backup post and saddle before you need it. Things never go wrong if you've already catered for it!


Legendary Member
What's the value of the saddle and seat post? You don't want to spend more on any anti-theft devices, than the value of the saddle itself, especially as it has never been nicked yet.

Best insurance is to buy a backup post and saddle before you need it. Things never go wrong if you've already catered for it!

Value might not be relevant, but being able to ride home after a long day at work would be (not possible if your saddle and post have been snaffled!)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
... but being able to ride home after a long day at work would be (not possible if your saddle and post have been snaffled!)
Not strictly true... Hard work, yes!

A friend's seat post snapped on his MTB. He had to do the second half of our ride standing up, with his saddle in his jersey back pocket.

I once had a saddle clamp bolt snap so I had to ride back with my saddle in my back pocket. It was easier for me though because I was at the top of a big hill with home only a short ride from the bottom of it. 15 minutes standing up was enough for me.
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