Well had the bike just about 4 months now & it's starting to show a few marks despite my best efforts to keep it nice and tidy & treated with kids gloves .
Is there anything that I can use to keep my rear cassette looking shiny & new though & it's starting to look a bit grubby , currently just wash , brush , use a degreser & give it a wipe over with a cloth after re lube ing the chain , is there anything I can use to keep it nice & shiny ?
The pic actually makes it look a bit better than it actually is !
Is there anything that I can use to keep my rear cassette looking shiny & new though & it's starting to look a bit grubby , currently just wash , brush , use a degreser & give it a wipe over with a cloth after re lube ing the chain , is there anything I can use to keep it nice & shiny ?
The pic actually makes it look a bit better than it actually is !