Please can you give some ideas on how to discover a "Good IFA". What questions to ask, what to look for, what to avoid. That will be a big help as I'm embarking on finding myself an IFA.
Phew, a really hard question and I may not be the best person to ask. My FA's father sold us an endowment along with arranging a mortgage and my first pension starting around 40 years ago. Some years later my FA had joined the business and we developed a good relationship, my answer is based on my experience with a single individual and mirrors that person's approach. It has worked for me but I doubt I would ever have thought of these points initially.
So to attempt an answer for you:
- Someone who shows a genuine interest in you and your family and takes time to understand your circumstances
- Wishes to understand your long term goals, the stages in life at which you hope to achieve these aims
- Appreciates your personal philosophy on savings, investments etc. and works with you on these without pressuring you to take unacceptable risk
- Offers clear lifetime financial forecasting using a full range of "what ifs." My FA has software in which every financial aspect of my life can be changed singly or in combination to show the projected short and long term outcome of any choice we may make. This gives a very clear picture of the level of spending we can enjoy now retired, when I worked it was used to forecast and determine the actions, savings, investments we could make to achieve our goals
- Is clear and open over advisor remuneration
- Has access to a range of services beyond investment advice
- Doesn't have a hard sell approach
- Can demonstrate a track record and provide references
Ultimately you have to ask yourself one question. Do I, can I trust this person?