Banks will often let you have the cost of a funeral out of the persons bank even before probate. It may be worth asking if the person doesn't have a plan etc.
Banks will often let you have the cost of a funeral out of the persons bank even before probate. It may be worth asking if the person doesn't have a plan etc.
That won't work: when my partner died suddenly about 20 years ago, the bank froze our joint business account I wasn't even able to pay the shop's phone bill, all direct debits a joint account and transfer most of your money into it, possibly?
Just going through this with mum's accounts.
We set up a Post Office online savings account with me as an additional card holder, effectively a joint account. Pretty quickly after mum's passing, they notified me as a joint holder I could continue to use the account as normal. But, its a clunky service, if you want to shift money around by adding new accounts to transfer to, it's got messy / fustrating for me personally.
So perhaps set up a joint account and transfer a block of money to it ? That would free up perhaps a significant amount if that's what you want to ease her access.
Shutting down other accounts has been problematic, mainly because I don't have photo ID. Passport expired during lockdown, as we probably don't intend travelling abroad, I never bothered nrenewing. My driving licence, I had stubbornly held on to the still legal original, probably regret that now but hey-ho.
Add her to the account with either to sign.
Applying for a photo driving licence might get a quick result. My son's provisional came though in just a few days..
Shutting down other accounts has been problematic, mainly because I don't have photo ID. Passport expired during lockdown, as we probably don't intend travelling abroad, I never bothered nrenewing. My driving licence, I had stubbornly held on to the still legal original, probably regret that now but hey-ho.
Power of Attorney is much cheaper to arrange when you are still alive.
Also a watertight will.
Also, very hard to arrange when you are dead.
Applying for a photo driving licence might get a quick result. My son's provisional came though in just a few days.