How to encourage a change of mindset (nutrition)

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Thanks all.

I get the impression that his expectation of weight loss is more important than the riding itself. That would be the complete opposite for me as I enjoy the ride more than wanting to lose weight. I am fitter but really have only lost a few pounds (I'm lazy apart from riding).

@Steve H
I'll drop a few hints prior to our next ride out in the hope that things could turn out different.

Some great words there. I've been thinking about whether I should just enjoy what he can do but focus more on my solo riding.

I started off much worse than he did but managed to improve. Whilst I'm disappointed with the situation I'm not really up for group riding with a club.


you could look at joining a social ride club on skyride, thats what i did. I have the same view on clubs as you, i get the feeling that i would be left standing and wouldnt want to be the one in the ride that had to be looked after becuase my fitness level/bike wasnt up to high speed/range riding.


Über Member
Biggin Hill
My cycling buddy (close friend) has the mindset of riding is for weight loss and to achieve the most he refuses to prepare for a ride in terms of nutrition. We started riding a couple of years back with the goal of doing a local 100 mile ride. We went out pretty frequently increasing the mileage over time. However he seemed to hit a wall at 25-30 miles and eventually declared himself unable to do the 100 mile ride.

On a few occasions I tried to pass on my thoughts in that he should really consider fuelling himself for a ride but he went back to the weight loss angle.

This weekend we hooked up for a quick spin round the lanes but after 15 miles he said he had jelly legs and really didn't feel he could proceed any further. Of course the weight loss vs nutrition subject was approached but it just covered the same old ground.

Selfishly I'd like him to 'look after himself' so we can both ride. However, I don't want to preach as I'm not exactly sporting a cycling physique (overweight and pretty slow).

Has anyone experienced a similar scenario and been able to have an outcome other than "ride by yourself!"? TIA!
I had the same mindset, and only used to take orange with me on the ride, consequently the longest ride I had done was 96km and the last fifteen k were purgatory, today however I rode 136km and threw in a 10% hill at the end, the difference three flapjacks eaten at two stops on the ride, the other thing nobody tells you is by eating it appears to lessen the aching legs/back that I used to suffer from. Also I could have easily done a further twenty or thirty k as legs felt great. Happy days, I feel a multitude of long distance rides coming on this year :biggrin:


Über Member
Biggin Hill
Right if he needs any more convincing, by taking those flapjacks (870 calories) I burnt an extra 2300 calories by riding further, minus the flapjacks equals an extra 1430 calories burnt. He,ll be quids in!!!!
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