I had a testing time replacing a fence panel this weekend, something between the newly built rear wall and that fence panel was well out of true, ended up sawing as much as a I dared from one corner of the panel, even then some robust squeezing into place needed
Nice diy day today though, tricky fence panel fixed, phone line rereouted under the floor instead of across the room, drainpipe extended to the garden instead of flooding the patio and a radiator that stopped working six months ago doing a plausible impersionation of a blash furnace, the girls of the house are almost impressed
Nice diy day today though, tricky fence panel fixed, phone line rereouted under the floor instead of across the room, drainpipe extended to the garden instead of flooding the patio and a radiator that stopped working six months ago doing a plausible impersionation of a blash furnace, the girls of the house are almost impressed