I like it, but the highly processed stuff we have in the mess room at work piles on the kilos and does my digestive system no favours at all. Pre-pandemic, at home, we used to sometimes buy ‘proper’ bread from a real bakery, which is not so bad.
Sorry but it is all as bad, the milling into flour is the processing*, nowadays I eat very little but what I do eat is the real tasty varieties.
* I went on a 'Diabetes Diet Course' (not my choice I was sent on it by the Doc) and in answer to the question "Which Bread contains the least Carbohydrate" there were various answers from the other participants but I said nothing til the person holding the class asked me what I thought, my answer "They're all the same" was the only correct one. The 'Health care professional' who was hosting this seminar reckoned afterwards to me that no one had ever got the answer to this 'trick question' right before in years of her hosting these education sessions. BTW this also holds true for Pasta, Pastry, and Cous-Cous, in fact anything made with Flour.