How often do you stop when you're riding?

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New Member
Bromley, Kent
Stopping is rarely an option for me unless its a club run.
If I do stop its to get some more fluid or food but thats only on rides of 80miles+

Any other time its for mechanicals


Smutmaster General
Typical weekend ride is about 35-40 miles... stop once during that for 5-10 mins; with friends, will often have caff stop, on own occasionally stop to take in view or wildlife etc


New Member
At this time of year I stop about half way through my commute (12 miles) to strip off :biggrin: :wacko:. Not completely obviously, it's too cold in the mornings to go out without a jacket, but by half way I'm roasting so stop to take it off and switch to fingerless gloves.

On a couple of occasions I've had a roadie pass me yelling insults about my level of fitness while I've been stopped xx(, strangely no one on a MTB has ever commented and I'm on a road bike!?!?!?

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I mostly ride alone out here and so apart from lights, traffic etc. I don't stop on the rides up to 100Km. If it's very hot weather I will stop to top up the drinks from a shop but nothing else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bird Saviour
surfgurl said:
My commute is only 5.5 miles, but I stop twice on the way. After all I am on my way to work and don't really want to get there too early.
If you are ever down in Somerset and see a cyclist in high viz having a crafty cigarette in a farm gate, wave hello to me.


most of the time i don't even get started :biggrin:


I only stopped once today. At the top of the third 8%, to have a minor arrest before I grovelled my way up the last 7% one :biggrin:


New Member
South Beds.
walker said:
Stopping is rarely an option for me unless its a club run.
If I do stop its to get some more fluid or food but thats only on rides of 80miles+

Any other time its for mechanicals
Ditto...I dislike stopping unless I have no ption....I like to keep the momentum.
When myself and a mate are out we might stop if one of us needs to. We stop and the end of the route before we go our seperate ways....just to have another winter its a nono with the cold.:biggrin:
Crackle said:
I only stopped once today. At the top of the third 8%, to have a minor arrest before I grovelled my way up the last 7% one :angry:

Nice for you to have so much flat riding. :biggrin:


Legendary Member
On my commute (13 miles) I only stop at red lights. On a shortish run (25miles) I'll maybe stop once for a couple of minutes but on a longer run (50 - 80 miles) I'll maybe stop 2/3/4 times just depending on a variety of factors - food, drink,view, quick stretch, P, etc
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