Well, as per daughters instructions, did a good long stretch afterwards, then a hot bath and deep heat and straight into bed. Not sore at all the next day. Think I have been so tired getting home I have missed the warmdown and stretch.
Adjusted the seat to higher and more forward again and that is helping me use the middle of my thigh instead of just above the knees. I am standing down all the hills with pedals level in the middle, tried once or twice to pedal and nearly fell off. Got on the pony today and told him how wide and safe he felt compared to that little bike saddle.
Still cant take hands off for more than one quick banana bite.
Went all the way there and back in 3rd today, made one more hill to the top. Will keep it up, expensive on the bath water though, I am bathing before and after to soak the muscles! Never mind the Radox and deep heat.
Thouroughly enjoying myself, and even considered going to the tack shop today, about 3 miles each way, but hills all the way back, so dedided to wait till the end of the month. Will have more money to spend then too. But I can only buy what will fit in the paniers or what I can sling around me.
Going through loads of bananas too and cheese, they are so much easier than cooking meat.