How much is cycling worth?

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
I save maybe £120 a month in fuel for the car and spend on average £20 a month on parts, clothing etc.

Now the bikes are paid for thats £20 a month for an average of 400 miles ... so 20 p a mile


What’s the point
I am with NN on this.

work paid for commute so cost was nil to me ( i work on site so office to site is paid for , it just happens i live closer to site than office and always will )

but the thought of having to go back to bus train and tube to get to work makes me shudder. even doing weird night shifts to complete project and riding home at 2am etc its far better than the frightbus or walking it.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
So far, my Secteur Sport has cost me about £6 per mile. Then again I've only had it a week and it's covered 80 very pleasant miles :biggrin:. Hopefully it will be doing many more miles so the rate per mile will come down.

My Tricross has done 3600 miles so works out about 20p per mile.

Between them they have lost me 1.5 stone in weight and probably improved my fitness no end. So as Numbnuts says; PRICELESS!


Über Member
As someone who's been off his bike entirely for the last five weeks with a broken hand I can say that not cycling has cost me £21 a week in bus fare and my sanity. The consultant reckons I'm not to cycle for a further six weeks but I don't see it myself, I'll be curled up in the corner muttering expletives to myself after that long!

So yes, I agree with all of those who say cycling is priceless!


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
My brother has an old Trek hybrid which he reckons he has covered 60k miles with over its 12 year lifetime.

Discounting the cost of replacement tyres and chains/sprockets etc., and let's assume it cost £500; that works out at a bargain 0.83 pence per mile :laugh:.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
No idea how much it costs me or how much I save on petrol /car maintenance . I doubt if I brake even as my work commute is only 2.5 miles ew. I dont really care.Most sports dont give you anything back financially at least cycling saves a bit of fuel though even that is doubtfull if you start driving to cycling events


I daren't do the sums. It costs me a fortune. Certainly more than my car costs. But why would I count the cost in money, cycling's too much of a pleasure. Banjo's right about the fuel costs for getting to races.

When all added up it probably adds up to the same as other people's expenses it's just that cycling straddles all parts of my life. It's my hobby, a bit of socialising, competition, exercise, the professional sport I follow, lifestyle choice...To say 'I'm a cyclist' doesn't really do cycling justice in my case. Worth every penny.
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