How much does cycling cost?

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accountantpete said:
Unless you give way to the urge to upgrade every 5 minutes having convinced yourself that it's the equipment and not you to blame for going slow then after the initial outlay it's usually a matter of a couple of new tyres every so often - £60 per year.

It depends on whether you get all obsessive about it or stay sensible. I have a good hi-fi. It cost me several hundred pounds, and has lasted me 10 years so far. Every time I want to listen to music, it plays it, at what I consider breathtaking 'fi'. That doesn't stop other people going out and spending £800 on a cartridge.

I'm with accountantpete. I have several very fine bikes, none of which cost me more than a hundred pounds. And ongoing costs amount to a few tyres and brake blocks a year, and very occasionally a new chain. Oh, and bits & bobs of clothing - but it lasts for ages. I get almost everything off ebay and I doubt I spend £100/yr all told.


Squat Member
Per year - chain £10, Tyres ( 2 pairs) £60, tubes (4 pairs) £12 and every two years pedals (£30 ) and shoes (£25). So an annual cost of say £110.


jnb said:
OK slightly revised question ...

How much does your bike cost you in consumables; chains, tyres, tubes, etc.?

In the last 9 months? £4.99 had to replace one inner tube a few months back... thats about it.

Oh and thats not counting the new addiction to Soreen thanks to Tynan who mentioned it was good for energy on longer rides.. I now eat it to prepare for a comute or 20 mile training loop.


New Member
Beside the road
3 or 4 sets of tyres £60 a time,
4 or 5 chains, £20 a time.
Lord knows how many brake pads, £20 a pop for the disc brakes.
Tubes, - probably a dozen or so (Don't repair them like I should).
Shoes - £100
Wheels, at least a set a year £200 a time.
Chainrings £50
Cassettes, prob two £50 each.
2 or 3 sets of cleats.
2 or 3 sets of cables and bar tape £30


RedBike said:
3 or 4 sets of tyres £60 a time,
4 or 5 chains, £20 a time.
Lord knows how many brake pads, £20 a pop for the disc brakes.
Tubes, - probably a dozen or so (Don't repair them like I should).
Shoes - £100
Wheels, at least a set a year £200 a time.
Chainrings £50
Cassettes, prob two £50 each.
2 or 3 sets of cleats.
2 or 3 sets of cables and bar tape £30

Bugger! forgot about those! add £9.99 for a set of Keo Look cleats... bloody things wear down really quickly!

I am Spartacus

Über Member
N Staffs
Wigsie said:
Bugger! forgot about those! add £9.99 for a set of Keo Look cleats... bloody things wear down really quickly!
stop walking on 'em and ride more..............;) :ohmy:


"Wheels, at least a set a year £200 a time."

How in hell do you get through a set of wheels every year? What do you do to them?


Well-Known Member
Cost of consumables over past 12 months, (approx):-

Replace 2 spokes (separate occasions) = £21
New Chain = £30 (including chain tool, first time)
New Cassette = £34 (included buying cassette tool and chain whip, first time)
Disc pads = £32
Batteries for lights =£5

Approx £122
Approx 3,600 miles = 3.4p per mile


New Member
Beside the road
I wear my rims out doing long rides in harsh conditions.

Most of the wear happens during the winter months. Lots country roads covered in crap off the fields and salt on most of the main roads. It just forms a grinding paste.
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