How much are you spending on your children at Christmas and how old are they?

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Senior Member
Sittingduck said:
My Mom does this too - obviously not Jewellery but lame items such as a cheap diary (I dont use diaries!) or a pair of wool gloves etc.

I have already politely requested that she doesnt give me stocking fillers this year... although secretly hoping for a couple of cool cycling nick-nacks :biggrin:

I vow never to do this. My dad paid for sky package for us last year and it's a rolling present this means I don't have to suffer my mums awful pressies (sorry mum) even when we were kids the best pressies were the ones dad got.


Senior Member
Maybe I should read the post header before posting!


We tend not to set a limit, more to do with what we think the kids will like.

We never spend more than we can afford (seems to me like so many people try to compensate for lack of parenting ability with getting into debt! sorry that's a bit Politics and Life :biggrin::smile:)...


Senior Member
Noodley said:
We tend not to set a limit, more to do with what we think the kids will like.

We never spend more than we can afford (seems to me like so many people try to compensate for lack of parenting ability with getting into debt! sorry that's a bit Politics and Life :biggrin::smile:)...

I have tended to follow that line. Even though we are separated last year we bought the main present from both of us plus we both got some odds and ends and I felt we spent too much even though we could afford it.
I don't know what we are doing this year (except that I have already planned my purchases).


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
We generally do £15-£20 max each on immediate family - i.e. my folks, sisters, brother, and my wifes folks, sisters and their kids......15 people x what ever = add it up...eek...... Then add on a few small gifts for friends..... ouch...

I try and think of something good for better half and some smellies etc......

The kids..we don't go mad...lots of 'bits' this year as there isn't much they want - I think 2 x Nintendo Multi carts are in the offering though.. as they have just got DS's - well my son hasn't yet..... birthday in 3 days...

Thank god they are getting older, so the size of the crap get's smaller...our house won't fit it in....

TBH we don't go silly at all - it's stuff we think the kids will go mad over...

Me... I just might suggest a long sleeve cycling jersey....I'll be made up....Maybe the "Crash Test Dummy" one........:blush:


fossyant said:
Me... I just might suggest a long sleeve cycling jersey....

You could join my club (no, not me on my own :biggrin:), I'm in the process of arranging new club kit. Orders finish next Friday - delivery in time for Christmas :blush: Superb design. (designed by a member on here, who I shall not name but he's damned good, I'd go as far as saying he's exceptionally outstandingly good.)


Bird Saviour
Sittingduck said:
My Mom does this too - obviously not Jewellery but lame items such as a cheap diary (I dont use diaries!) or a pair of wool gloves etc.

I have already politely requested that she doesnt give me stocking fillers this year... although secretly hoping for a couple of cool cycling nick-nacks :blush:

don't get me wrong, i love jewellery... just not the stuff my mum gets. it looks really tacky, it's always got a HUGE gemstone in it, which is SOOO big it's obvious it's not real because everyone knows i can't afford a 10 carat diamond lol

really, it looks like it came out of a cracker but please don't tell her i said so, coz i love her to bits and she will be sad i think this of her taste in jewellery.

as for the other stuff.. it's not that it's bad BUT I'VE ALREADY GOT IT! coz it's what she buys me every year lol. i've got more jewellery boxes than i have jewellery lol


Smutmaster General
they'll get a tangerine and some walnut whips :biggrin:
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