How Many Recumbents Have You Actually Seen on the Road?

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South Wales
Not quite on the road, but noticed they are doing rentals in Dulwich Park

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Interesting sign.

[Pedant hat on]
They call themselves "London Recumbents", and advertise bike hire, but of the 8 cycles in the picture, only 3 are recumbents, and only two are bikes (non of the recumbents are). 6 of the 8 (including all the recumbents) are trikes.


Über Member
If you got to the shop, they do have a selection of models for sale, recumbents are expensive band a bit niche, so not really for hire, they do have 'demo' recumbents, you need to enquire,but London Recumbents are only selling ,not hiring recumbents , except for fun kiddy carts in the park.
I did ask for a 'demo' ride and got one in Dulwich park.
I bought my red Kettwiesel from them… very helpful and knowledgable, gave good after sales support when there was a seat frame recall and then later were able to source me a replacement rear hub when I had a flange failure (lesson learned - aluminium does corrode in the presence of road salt). Back then (2006) they were agents for Challenge as well as Hase and, I think, some other recumbent brands
I am a member of the County Cruisers, they are a bent club in Omaha Ne. On a nice day we must have more than a dozen riders. Anymore most of the riders are on trikes.


Über Member
I am currently deliberating a contemplative 'ride around the block' from Sunny Southend on the Essex Riviera (??), down to Dover , to Calais ,through Belgium, ,the Netherlands ,to Hoek van Holland , Harwich then home.
What's putting g me off is the Kentish section, it's not very appetising.
I might research it via my motor scoot first.
It would seem that the "old country" is way behind the times on bents and trikes. That seems kind of odd because two the the better trikes are ICE and Azub, and are made in Europe.

Maybe the "old country" has a lot of traditionalist and are cling to DF bikes. But then IMO they are clinging to pain, since bents and trikes ride almost pain free.
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