How long should a helmet last

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Legendary Member
Next time I replace mine I plan to repurpose the old one as a hanging basket.
The two girls along the road have done that with one of their old ones I noticed. It’s hanging from the corner of the garage with nice flowers in it.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
There is no magic figure in my view, depends on storage and wear.... just inspect it. If it's visually deteriorating in any way or on any part of its structure, it's definitely time for a new one.
If it's all looking sound and in good condition, no cracks, dents, splits, it's fine.

Mine tend to last about 4-5 years on average before I think "better replace that", usually due to little cracks appearing or just general shabbyness.
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It'll be Reyt.
I usually replace mine every 2-3 years....or sooner if I get bored of the colour:laugh: I prefer the fit of Kask or Giro so are prepared to pay their prices.I've just had a shiny new Kask Mojito sent to me as a replacement for my much cheaper Kask Rapido after an argument with a barrier at a Caravan Park.£140 is a bit more than I would pay but I didn't pay for it:becool:
I have to wear a hard hat at work and I change that when the inside gets dirty:whistle:
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The ideal thing I suppose would be to try smacking your old one with a lump hammer before you put it in the bin and then it may give you an idea of how good it is , or isn't.


back and brave
I do have a helmet - a Giro Atmos. It is about 15 years old I guess. I keep in it's cloth bag in the cupboard. I've worn it maybe 20 times - when regs require me to, sportives and the like. I'm assuming it's still ok. Certainly looks it.
I could do with a new one, just looked at the prices :ohmy: I'll have to raid the coin jar :sad:
Keep an eye on the Aldi weekly specials.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...


My old helmet.. ^_^

Why send them to landfill!?
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