A bit like cyclebum, I got into cycling through a random idea that came to me out of nowhere, although in a more roundabout route. My big idea, 8 years ago now, was to come to university as a full time student to study archaeology. I was in a crap job and it just came to me one day that it was what I wanted to do. I'd used a bike to get to work for a while, although I'd never have thought of myself as 'a cyclist'. I brought it with me to York, because, well, all students have bikes, don't they, and on the first day met Tom in our shared Uni flat. The bike remained unused for a term, because it was stored in an upstairs lobby and York's small enough to walk around. After one term Tom, I and another lady moved out of the flat, thanks to the louts and oddballs we were sharing with, into a Uni house, and I had easy access to the bike again. Tom, who'd been riding his Dawes Galaxy over Cotswold hills for years, and had an instinctive understanding of anything mechanical, cast a knowledgable eye over my old bike, tweaked a few things to make it fit and suit me better, and I found out that it didn't have to be a struggle to ride. And from Tom I started to learn about the amazing variety of bikes that there are out there. When he decided to drop the course and got a job with Jim McGurn at Company of Cyclists, I was introduced to a wider cycling world, and the bug really bit. Within a year, I was working on try out roadshows too, and touring on my Uni-bike-auction-bargain Galaxy. Now I have a winter hack (my beloved Mithras, the bike I came to uni with, was nicked about 4 years ago.) a Giant FCR for summer, the Galaxy, in bits awaiting a respray, and a Trice recumbent trike.
Since I started the Phd, and stopped working for CoC, and moved to a flat 5 minutes from work I've realised I sometimes talk about cycling more than I actually do it, which is going to have to change. I do go on cycling holidays, and use my bike as my main means of transport about town, but I need to start doing a few more weekend miles. I'm a pootler and a tourer, not a racer.
I lost Tom in April, but through him and this forum I've come to know enough great folk to keep me on my bike(s).
Rats. I'm crying again. Ignore me. I have to ride up to campus in a bit, that'll blow the cobwebs away.