When i was a student living in an unheated house we asked our landlord, Mr Singh, if we could have a heater for the bedroom. "Yes I'll get you an electric heater" he replied. "How are you going to run that? There's no socket in that room" I asked. "No problem," he replied, "I'll plug it into the light".
This was normal up until the late 1950's
Our house was in a 'gas area' where it was easier and cheaper to run the house of gas rather that that flash in the pan stuff, electricity.
From the 1910's to the 1940's there was a lot of discussion about weather electricity had a long term future in the average domestic house or was it just a gimmick (a bit like the current electrical/diesel-petrol powered car discussions today)
Therefore our inner London house only installed electricity in 1947.
(They still kept the gas though, and used it as lighting until 1972 when we switched from Coal Gas to North Sea Gas )
When we moved in, in 1993 had 3 electrical sockets, one in the kitchen, one in the living room, one in the main bedroom, all for the old round pin plugs.
Why on earth would you need more ? Surly three was more than enough for the average 3 bed two story house ?
We had several attachments that were a bayonet light fitting plug, with a bayonet light socket for the bulb and a two pin round plug socket.
There were designed so the 'new fangled' electrical items such irons and radios could be powered from the only electrical fitting in the room, the light socket.