How Honest Are You?

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Alan Frame;226856][quote=stephec said:
You go into Lidl as you're off work all week with a bad back.

Now that doesn't sound a very "honest" thing to do. My employer certainly wouldn't approve.

It's an injury that stops me doing a physical job, but doesn't stop me driving ten minutes up the road. A physio had to realign two of the discs in my lower back yesterday morning, then he told me not to touch the bike for a while. ;)

sheddy said:
You will regret it. Sitting on that thing will feel as though you pi$$ed your pants...

More like I'll be pissing my sides at my good fortune, although someone who believes in karma will probably tell me that i'll get my just desserts in the end.


Legendary Member
I would point out the mistake, and pay the correct amount. The size of the shop is immaterial, it is a simple matter of honesty. If you know a mistake has been made, and do nothing about it then it is stealing, plain and simple.



New Member
Bromley, Kent
thing is if you was to be honest and said 'no its cost's £x' and the cashier says 'if you look at the bottom its been reduced' in huge letters and numbers, your gunna look real stupid, so you might as well not quible and just walk out

rich p

ridiculous old lush
cisamcgu said:
I would point out the mistake, and pay the correct amount. The size of the shop is immaterial, it is a simple matter of honesty. If you know a mistake has been made, and do nothing about it then it is stealing, plain and simple.


That is indeed true but I tend to work on the theory that it's ok to stripe up big organisations but not small ones. Not logical I suppose but it represents a smaller proportion of their turnover.
If HSBC were to accidentally put some money into my account there is no way I'd be owning up after the way the banking bandits have been operating lately. Legalised robbery IMO.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
stephec said:
As for Lidl, I paused for half a second before handing over the cash and shooting out the door before she could realise. When I got home I checked the reciept and found I had been charged for a 99p set of car mats. On the box was a sticker from said mats that somehow got stuck to the massager box, sh'e scanned the bar code on this rather than the one on the box.

Oh yes? I wonder how that happened.:wacko:


Legendary Member
NE England
walker said:
thing is if you was to be honest and said 'no its cost's £x' and the cashier says 'if you look at the bottom its been reduced' in huge letters and numbers, your gunna look real stupid, so you might as well not quible and just walk out

I used to think like that. Honest as the day is long etc. Then I got ripped off by a local Supermarket, twice in two visits. I spotted the second one when I got home and discovered the first rip off when I checked an old receipt. They had, on both occasions, scanned a meat package twice. This came to a fair amount of money so I went back to see what I could do. The manager's attitude was that I'd left the store so Tough Luck! I pointed out that I had two receipts with two lots of loose weighed meat with identical prices. I even bet him £5 that his counter staff couldn't pack two identical steaks of the same price again, but he wasn't having it.

Now I keep an eye on the scanning process and challenge when I think they,ve done it twice on an item. If I think an item didn't register I think of that manager, now many many years ago and keep quiet.


Legendary Member
rich p said:
That is indeed true but I tend to work on the theory that it's ok to stripe up big organisations but not small ones. Not logical I suppose but it represents a smaller proportion of their turnover.
If HSBC were to accidentally put some money into my account there is no way I'd be owning up after the way the banking bandits have been operating lately. Legalised robbery IMO.

Sorry, I cannot agree with you, theft is theft, it doesn't matter how rich or otherwise the other party is, it is still both illegal and morally wrong. You may say that the banks make too large a profit, but as you point out is it Legalised robbery, i.e. it is not against the law, but staying quiet about money put into your account by mistake is ! Anyway, this money that "appeared" in your account, how do you know where it came from, it may not be just extra money that the bank has made a mistake with, rather it could be a deposit into an old aged pensioner's account that has been misplaced. If you don't own up, then the victim is not the bank, it is the "little old dear" who is just unable to pay her heating bill !!!!


rich p

ridiculous old lush
cisamcgu said:
Sorry, I cannot agree with you, theft is theft, it doesn't matter how rich or otherwise the other party is, it is still both illegal and morally wrong. You may say that the banks make too large a profit, but as you point out is it Legalised robbery, i.e. it is not against the law, but staying quiet about money put into your account by mistake is ! Anyway, this money that "appeared" in your account, how do you know where it came from, it may not be just extra money that the bank has made a mistake with, rather it could be a deposit into an old aged pensioner's account that has been misplaced. If you don't own up, then the victim is not the bank, it is the "little old dear" who is just unable to pay her heating bill !!!!


Ok the money in the account thing was just a bad example- perhaps if the bank forgot to charge me £25 to tell me that I'd gone £1.50 overdrawn I would not be straight on the blower to point out their error!


Smutmaster General
byegad said:
Now I keep an eye on the scanning process and challenge when I think they,ve done it twice on an item. If I think an item didn't register I think of that manager, now many many years ago and keep quiet.

I do that too... surprising how often special offers (e.g. 1 item for 4 quid, 2 for 6) don't go through properly... whether or not I'm honest when it works in my favour depends on which side of the bed I got out of that morning....


Legendary Member
rich p said:
Ok the money in the account thing was just a bad example- perhaps if the bank forgot to charge me £25 to tell me that I'd gone £1.50 overdrawn I would not be straight on the blower to point out their error!

Ohhh... I hate it when it looks like I might be going to lose an argument :wacko:

Yes, I suppose in that case I might not be in all that great a hurry to phone up the bank :sad:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
cisamcgu said:
Ohhh... I hate it when it looks like I might be going to lose an argument :wacko:

Yes, I suppose in that case I might not be in all that great a hurry to phone up the bank :sad:

Let's call it one all, mate:biggrin::biggrin:


Rhythm Thief said:
Oh yes? I wonder how that happened.:biggrin:

Nowt to do with me, I found it when I got home. Admittedly though I wan't too upset by it

And I've just remembered something that happened at the same branch before Christmas. I bought a pair of scales for £9.99 that I returned a few days later. My card went in the machine and I got a refund reciept.

When my next bank statement turned up my wife went through it and I mentioned to her about the refund. looking down the credit column it wasn't there, and unfortunately I didn't have the reciept from the shop to prove it should be.

So now come to think of it I couldn 't give a toss, it's payback. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Bird Saviour
4.99 twice and 14.99. no matter how you add up any two of these times they don't come to 10.97.

therefore if she has scanned all 3 items there is either a discount applied or they have put the wrong price on the shelf/product.

therefore, not your problem. pay and leave. :biggrin:

i would be more inclined to be honest if i knew the cashier had given me too much change, because then she would be in trouble at the end of the day when her till didn't add up.


back and brave
To be honest, I don't always have much of an idea what the total cost might be so I'd have paid what was asked for. If I only have x in my pocket and I'm paying cash then I'll keep a mental tab, but not if it's all going on a card. It'd have to be way over/under my vague expectation for me to question it, and if it was that then I'd expect the cashier to notice too!

I have, on occasions, thought afterwards that something was wrong only to check the receipt to find it was correct but I don't think about it at the time. Come think of it, I rarely check a credit card slip before signing it either! It's forgetful rather than naive!
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