How has 2023 been for you cycling wise?

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Eh up
After several years of 8000+ miles I made a decision to cut back this year, it didn't work I will be on about 8,800 come Jan 31, I also decided to have a year off competing at MTBO, that did work not done any all year.
None of my rides have been over 60 miles but there has been a lot of them, although mileage is up climbing is down by about 100,000 ft.
I sold two Carbon bikes this year, I now have two Ti, two steel, and one aluminium.
My summer fast ride is now steel.
I will make the promise to myself next year as I made for this year (and failed) less riding more walking and running, but I will get back to MTBO.


I hate to complain, I really do but this has been my worst year for cycling ever.

I've just struggled to get back into it after injury then I started a new job working from home and never really managed my time very well and ended up spending far too long staring at a computer screen.

I've now made a promise to myself that won't happen again and to that end, I'm planning a cycling trip to the Euros in the summer which means I need to get off my @rse in the new year to make sure I enjoy it.

Can't wait


self serving virtue signaller
Lot's of variety here. Best wishes to those struggling to regain fitness or mojo.

I've had an amazing year: Far more miles than ever before (13,000km), more imperial centuries (4), lost 10kg (alas much now back on) and managed three cycling holidays, one of which was supposed to be watersports(!).

Rode in six countries, including the Stelvio pass, mountain roads in Sardinia, an amazing tandem tour in France and the lochs of the Trossachs.

Feel very privileged to have had these opportunities.

One more day until the commutes start to get lighter!

13 rider

Disappointing, but still going to get to 8200 / 8300 miles but that's my lowest year since 2016 ,My first full year of being unemployed by choice I thought my mileage would go up but I discovered it's quite hard to make up the 100 miles a week I used to do commuting to work . Lots of diying first doing up late mum's house getting it ready for sale then completely redecorating my new place . Also a kidney stone took me off the bike for nearly 2 weeks in mid summer . My target event Lincoln GP sportive was affected by getting a cold the week before so didn't get the time I wanted . On the plus side I've managed to tick off 2 of the monthly Cyclechat monthly challenge ,finishing the imperial ton for the 7th year in a row and the half century challenge for the 9th year in a row , Need to complete a 100km ride between now and Jan 1st to tick off the metric century challenge for the 8th year and complete 7 years of doing all 3 with seperate rides for each one .
Since finishing cycle commuting I've definitely become a fair weather cyclist and about 3000 of those miles are turbo "miles" ,I have got into a bit of zwift racing over last winter and getting back into again ,great fun smashing yourself up against some random people 😂


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
After a disastrous 2022 (catching covid, then seeing my wife come down with heart problems and having to do a ride in the last week of the year just to bring up 1,000 miles) I have at least upped that to over 1,700 this time around.

The plan for this year was to get ourselves a campervan, but it turns out they don't make them big enough for me! Or at least any that are big enough to fit me are too big to take to the sorts of places we want to go to and are way too expensive anyway. So we have spent some of the campervan money on several short breaks instead, and I've got to take the bike with me every time.

I said at the beginning of the year that I wanted to put quality of rides ahead of number of rides or distances this year, and that is how it has worked out for me. I've been lucky enough to do some great little rides in several corners of England and Wales where I never knew what was around the next bend. Just how I like it. Especially enjoyed the Gower, Swaledale, the Northumberland Coast, Dungeness and The Tarka Trail. I've got holidays booked in our favourite parts of Scotland and the Dordogne next year and can't wait to take the bike for more little exploration rides.


Best thing about 2023 was buying another Brompton (Or two)



Started off really well through January until the small matter of a stage 3 bowel cancer diagnosis landed. (Thank goodness we were having a 'full and frank discussion' at home in which I blurted 'you think you've got problems - some of us have been $hitting blood for 6 months!'... typical bloke.

I actually rode more in February in the run-up to surgery, than in previous years, as all I could do at that time was get in the best physical and mental state I could, so the medical team could work their magic, and what better way to achieve that than cycling? Surgery was successful - a tumourous section the size of a large can of Guinness removed from my lower bowel with clear followup CT scans and colonscopies and (so far) no reoccurrence.

I managed to nip to Italy to collect my Officina Battaglin before chemo started and got a couple of rides in during my first round, but after that it was too exhausting and I didn't ride again until late August. I did make it to l'Eroica Gaiole in October and rode most of the 135km route, though I confess I bypassed Monte Santa Maria as I was worried about the washboard gravel and its effect on my scars and digestive system.

I'm not worried about annual mileage totals this year - I'm just glad to be alive and back out on the bike ^_^

Festive 500 will be a nice way to end this year and to start 2024.


Pretty good up until September. I had built up a decent level of fitness again and I really enjoyed my relaxed 10 day tour in Scotland which took in Galloway, a big chunk of the Ayrshire coast, Arran, Cumbria and then to Loch Lomond in June.

In September, I took a really bad cold that developed in horrible sinusitis and post nasal drip and took forever to get better and then I was starting to feel like cycling again, I managed to hurt my quite badly and was out of action again. Now feeling a lot better and getting out for regular ten miles where I can. Hopefully up the distance soon if the weather improves.

Truth is, my confidence has never fully returned since my accident in 2021 when I got t-boned by a Citroen and I do have tend to overthink it, worry about what might happen, and often have to force myself to ride. I do enjoy it when I get going but can do easily talk myself out of it.

I'm also very selective about where and when I ride nowadays. I have been attending a physio based 3 miles away for my back recently for example. I couldn't have cycled on my first few visits even if I wanted but as I've improved, I could easily do so but use the car as I'm not confident to ride on busy urban roads and busy roundabouts in the middle of the day when traffic is heavy.



I love mine. It's probably my most used bike these days, even for touring. I've given mine a complete overhaul recently and look forward to lots of more miles.

I like the orange one. Mine is boring black.

The orange I picked up cheap off FB marketplace and ended up flipping it, what I really want is another early Mk2, I’ll probably buy one next year.


Legendary Member
708.5 miles on the Brompton this year so far, including a trip from Vienna to Budapest following the Danube which was bloody awesome, and lots of small utility trips. It is without a single shadow of a doubt my favourite bike. If I could only keep one bike I’d keep the Brompton.

I don’t know how many miles on the other bikes because I don’t record those. I use the hybrid quite a lot, including a fifty odd mile night ride being a cycle marshal for the Moon Walk breast cancer charity. This is such a great night, I’ll be doing it again next year.

Used the Vintage Kingpin a bit for shoots and giggles.

Don’t use the road bike much, lost the love for road cycling since one bike got stolen early 2020, which is shame, cos the replacement bike is smashing.

And probably only done a couple of rides on MTB too.

Did nearly 800 miles on the Peloton.

Anyway it’s all good. Might do more next year, might not.
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South Wales
Not bad.

Four imperial centuries meant I passed a total 100 100 milers, getting my Eddington number to 100, where it will stay. I finished the CC Metric century a month challenge. I've done some really good memorable rides. A couple of FNRttCs. Ride London. A couple of rides through the Costwolds. I entered one 200k audax, but DNFd because it was a punishingly hot day.

I had a bit of a slump when I did my back in and found it hard to start again. But these things happen.

Next year - more of the same, really. Try a bit harder to do an audax or two maybe.

Being still in full time employment, and married (to a non-cyclist), I just don't have the time to do those sort of numbers.

In a few years time maybe, when I retire, or even when I drop to part time.


Über Member
Bristol, UK
2023 didn't start until February, when I bought my 2010 Specialized Allez Sport and is nowhere near as impressive as some of you guys and gals but we all gotta start somewhere. Since Feb I've been steadily building up my fitness (still a long way to go) and losing weight (also still a long way to go) and increasing my ride distance.

The boring stats are:
  • 72 rides
  • 750 miles
  • 34 miles longest ride
  • 1st 9.5lbs weight lost
For 2024 I have two charity rides booked, which I'm using an inspiration. Firstly, the 40mls Tour de Bristol ride in April and the 54mls London to Brighton ride in June. In addition I'm going to sign up for the 50 mile challenge too. Fingers crossed :smile:


Senior Member
Pretty good. I did more miles this year than any other, although still not very many by a lot of people's standards on here!

I did three 100+ mile rides this year, which is something I'd never done before, culminating in riding the Fietselfstedentocht at the end of May which was a great experience.
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