So I went for a quick 15 mile run last night to test out the bad boys.
What I discovered is that at speeds under about 15mph they are sort of rendered unless, and stability is an issue, I was wobbling around drifting all over the place. However at 20mph+ they start to become useful, the stability issue goes away, I it’s comfortable, I liked the position.
For me I could only use them probably 50% of the time, because if the roads not perfectly flat or down hill I cannot use them, Ow and steep downhill’s I come off them at 30mph+ because I’m bricking it and cover the brakes just in case.
Bumps in the road I didn’t find any issues, I didn’t feel any worse in the aero position compared to normal (15-20mph+) Overall I’m happy with them, I like the look on my bike, and when appropriate like the position I’m in, I have to admit when a cyclist went past the other way, I went to a normal position as I was paranoid.
The more you use them the easier they will get and speeds of 20mph+ is exactly when you need to be as aerodynamic as possible. I am on the aeros 95% of the time on a TT only coming off for the turns when you start spending 20 mins + in the Aero tuck you will find where the niggles are. If you have a Turbo trainer practise using the areo bars on that and it sounds cheesy but look at yourself in a mirror at the same time you can tweak your position further.
Clipless pedals next???