Well, I threw all the advice into a pot, I worked out a route on Strava yesterday that I knew came to 3.8km - and today I rode it! I as pleasantly surprised no coughing or dying, I was a bit pink faced I'd guess and sweaty but not too bad at all. My quads by my knee's ached a bit but I think I'm riding with a seat a bit short - due to my wobbly starts am going to 'go with that' for now. I did work on better starts (more impulsion as I push off/push down on my right foot) and positive energy.

And did a few on the ride due to crossing a road and turns which were in too narrow a setting.
Really pleased overall though, for not having ridden in 22 years, I think I'm actually fitter than I was when I was 20 as I remember horrible burning chest and struggling to breath back them. none of that today.
A friend has offered to ride with me next week if it's nice and hopefully we'll up the miles then, for now I'll just go with some training rides like todays and remember to get a water bottle as didn't have one today which would have really helped.
Enjoyment is paramount, but a bit of suffering is strangely enjoyable too.
You struggle up your first hills, but start to miss them once you actually get to the brow of the hill. It's all very strange, but you will son feel the same I am sure. lol.
I can 'sort of' appreciate what you mean, but having done a couple of tiny slopes today I can say I'm not ready for big hills yet.. but they'll come.. I used some tips from here for getting up the slopes well and not losing too much momentum. lol
I did really enjoy though!
The best bit of advice I can give to anyone starting out is work on your cadence (Pedaling speed, revolutions per minute [RPM] of the crank) aka spinning, it means pedaling faster in an easier gear rather than pedaling slower in a harder gear, try to aim for 60rpm to start with on the flat roads (easiest to keep count if you do not have a bike computer with cadence) which is one full turn of the crank per second, this improves stamina considerably and once you get used to it will help climb hills better, Once you've mastered 60rpm increase the rpm to 90rpm (1.5 turns of the crank per second) It really does help increase fitness levels and and it improves quickly, It will make you huff and puff to start with but will be worth it!
At the moment I am waiting to strip my gears down with OH. I've got 3rd and leaving it in that for now so rpm is pretty high on the flat / tarmac. I rode off road a bit today (gravel track in the forestry) and on tarmac, I think I was likely doing about the 60 on tarmac but will keep this in mind and not up the gears too soon, I get your point totally on it building stamina Thanks