How far should you ride?

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Well-Known Member
I found it came all of a sudden. I had a little route that I used to ride, just maybe 6 or 8 miles but with a nasty Peak District hill. I had to stop halfway and have a rest and something to eat and drink before I turned round and went home and was totally knackered the next day. I kept at it and had an ambition to get as far as the reservoir on the other side of the valley, maybe ten miles away. Then one day I reached the reservoir and just kept going, and going, and going. Suddenly I had just leaped up to being able to ride 50, 60, 70 milers no problem.

So take some water and some energy food with you, stop and rest if you need to, but just keep doing it and doing it and doing it, and by the time this lockdown is over you'll be fit and ready for longer rides.
Thanks very much for the encouragement...That's great. But doing 6-9miles, would i need to take any energy food. I do take water though


Well-Known Member
I found it came all of a sudden. I had a little route that I used to ride, just maybe 6 or 8 miles but with a nasty Peak District hill. I had to stop halfway and have a rest and something to eat and drink before I turned round and went home and was totally knackered the next day. I kept at it and had an ambition to get as far as the reservoir on the other side of the valley, maybe ten miles away. Then one day I reached the reservoir and just kept going, and going, and going. Suddenly I had just leaped up to being able to ride 50, 60, 70 milers no problem.

So take some water and some energy food with you, stop and rest if you need to, but just keep doing it and doing it and doing it, and by the time this lockdown is over you'll be fit and ready for longer rides.
Also, how much would you keep doing. I will probably just keep repeating a 6.21 - 7mi bike ride. I try to do it every day, maybe apart from Sunday. I try to fit it in with school work aswell.
How much would you say i would need to do it until i could try going further?


Well-Known Member
ha...dont ask me that...i would have to save up for ages to get it mind u...I have got a few banks with about £3000 in but cant access until 18 which is not helpful
sorry i forgot to mention, i also dont just ride on the road...its mixed between road and more cross country type


Well-Known Member
At 7 mile rides light won’t be that important When you extend it will


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Thanks very much for the encouragement...That's great. But doing 6-9miles, would i need to take any energy food. I do take water though
It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. By 'energy food' I don't mean anything fancy, just a mars bar or something, maybe a cereal bar or even a sandwich or whatever.
Also, how much would you keep doing. I will probably just keep repeating a 6.21 - 7mi bike ride. I try to do it every day, maybe apart from Sunday. I try to fit it in with school work aswell.
How much would you say i would need to do it until i could try going further?
Well under current circumstances I wouldn't stray too far from home. Just ride when you can or when you feel like it, no need to overthink it. Like I said, I had a nearby reservoir as a target, do you have anything interesting nearby that would act as a goal?

Where I ride locally there are lots of joined up windy roads so there's always a way back if it feels I've gone a bit far and I'm tired. In fact the local club organises an annual 50 mile ride round there where you're never actually more than about three miles from the starting point.
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Well-Known Member
It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. By 'energy food' I don't mean anything fancy, just a mars bar or something, maybe a cereal bar or even a sandwich or whatever.

Well under current circumstances I wouldn't stray too far from home. Just ride when you can or when you feel like it, no need to overthink it. Like I said, I had a nearby reservoir as a target, do you have anything interesting nearby that would act as a goal?

Where I ride locally there are lots of joined up windy roads so there's always a way back if it feels I've gone a bit far and I'm tired. In fact the local club organises an annual 50 mile ride round there where you're never actually more than about three miles from the starting point.
not exactly...well u could look if u would like...i live near Kirkliston, Scotland, UK
Quite ofen ride through whats called Dundas Estate, has a small lake


Yup! In scotland. I am small and lightweight
Climbing hills will come naturally to you in the end. Dont sweat it. Like I said join a local club, they will encourage and guide you.

Ive seen young lads 14/15 develop from weedy riders into little power houses after just a year of club riding.

Its miles that build you into a decent cyclist. The drive to become a fast rider has to come from within

There should be plenty of clubs being near Edinburgh.

Do you know of cyclists nearby who are with a club?


Well-Known Member
Lots of good routes in your area, I've cycled through Kirkliston when doing the 2 bridges (Kincardine+Forth road). You could go to S.Queensferry and along the coastal route to Hopetoun House or even Blackness castle. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy it then you'll do it more often and get fitter as a result. Remember the saying "It doesn't get easier, you just get faster". 👍
Thanks...although i can't really go that far at the minute...Also my parents dont like me going out for ages on my own:sad:
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