oh crap -2.5 mts :wink: he is about as co-ordinated as I am first thing in the mornings lol:D
P peanut Guest 16 Nov 2008 #31 oh crap -2.5 mts he is about as co-ordinated as I am first thing in the mornings lol
Aperitif Meme bar Location ...I don't have much idea - really. 16 Nov 2008 #32 -2,6 - I win . I am rubbish at this - but consistent.
HLaB Marie Attoinette Fan Location That little part of Scotland known as Peterborough 16 Nov 2008 #33 2.7 m was my best when I got him in some strange squatting position and he shuffled along.
P peanut Guest 16 Nov 2008 #35 HLaB said: 2.7 m was my best when I got him in some strange squatting position and he shuffled along. Click to expand... was he having a pony and trap ? or got doggy worms
HLaB said: 2.7 m was my best when I got him in some strange squatting position and he shuffled along. Click to expand... was he having a pony and trap ? or got doggy worms